Understand Approval Levels in Static FAH Edit Tests
For static, non-tolerance related, edit tests, you set the role level by entering a 1 in the column that corresponds to the highest required level of review. Static tests include columns named Argument 2 For Role 1, Argument 2 For Role 2, Argument 2 For Role 3, Argument 2 for Role 4. Static edit tests typically have test rules with only a couple of, or sometimes no, rows.
For example, a 1 in the Argument 2 for Role 1 columns means that a Preparer needs to approve that particular edit. Putting a 1 in the Argument 2 for Role 3 column means that a Preparer (Role 1), a Reviewer (Role 2), and an Accounting Manager (Role 3) need to approve that particular edit. You can place a value of 1 in the cell for the highest level of review you require. Thus if you review four levels of business review, you do not need to put a 1 in each ascending role. Instead, you just enter a 1 for level 4 in Argument 2 for Role 4.
The following example shows the test rule for the Edit Transaction Duplicate Trade Test, which has an Edit Test Category value of Core-FAH. This is a static test with no dynamic variables in the test rule. This core test rule specifies a value of 1 in the Argument 1 For Role 1 column. This indicates that the edit requires an Eagle user with a Preparer (Role 1) approval level as the highest level of approval needed to approve the edit.
After you create a non core copy of the edit test for your business needs, you edit the copy to designate the level of approval needed. You specify a value of 1 in the Argument 2 For Role 2 column. This indicates that the edit requires an Eagle user with a Reviewer (Role 2) approval level as the highest level of approval needed to approve the edit. Only a Preparer (Role 1) and a Reviewer (Role 2) need to approve raised warnings. You do not need to put a 1 in each ascending role.
To increase the level of business review needed to manually approve a duplicate trade, you could place a value of 1 in either the Argument 2 for Role 3 or in the Argument 2 for Role 4 columns.