Manage Approval Levels for FAH Edit Tests
A fund approval hierarchy (FAH) is essentially a way to require an Eagle user at a certain business level to view and approve a raised edit. For example, the system can enforce that a manager level user view and approve an edit raised for a large NAV impact.
Eagle provides a set of edit tests designed for use with fund approval hierarchies in Control Center that you can copy and customize. These tests have an Edit Test Category of either Core-FAH or Non-Core-FAH. You can configure edit tests to defined approval levels in the fund approval hierarchy. You can determine the approval level needed for any FAH Control Center edit such that the edit does not clear until all defined users in the approval hierarchy up to that level have verified the edit. The edit test rules associated with FAH edit tests allow you to specify use of up to four approval levels.
Many of the core edit tests delivered with the application have tolerances that you can customize to accurately test varying fund types. You can pick and choose which tests and corresponding tolerances are applicable to specific funds and/or fund groups and assign them at the fund or composite level. Tolerance-related edit tests can have separate and distinct tolerance thresholds for each fund approval hierarchy role level. You can set and change the approval level based on your current and future business needs.
If the edit test does not indicate that a test rule requires multiple levels of approval, the system assumes that only one approval level is required. All tests always require at least one level of business review.
Eagle strongly recommends that clients create (by copying) their own edit tests prior to converting on their business and using the application in production. You should never customize core edit tests and use them in a production environment, because when Eagle delivers its core edit tests in the next release, the customization changes (map and tolerances and so on) are overridden. You can copy core edit tests and make them non-core to customize the edits to suit your business needs. You can then customize the tolerance related tests to suit your business needs.