Market Value Test Report

The Market Value Test report displays the change in market value resulting from a corporate action compared to a user specified tolerance.

To create the Market Value Test report:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > Investment Accounting Reports > Corporate Action > Market Value Test Report. 
    You see the Market Value Test Report panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Market Value Test Report panel.

  3. Under Result Options, click Grid or Advanced Report for the report view you want.

  4. Click Submit.
    The report results appear on your desktop for the view selected.

Market Value Test Report Panel Options

A definition of the options on the Market Value Test Report panel follows.





Search Criteria


Client Specific CA ID

Specifies the client specific corporate action ID.

Asset ID Type

Specifies the asset id type of the security.

Asset ID

Specifies the asset id of the security.

Issue Name

Specifies the issue name of the security.

Corporate Action Begin Ex Date

Specifies the beginning Ex date for your report results.

Corporate Action End Ex Date

Specifies the ending Ex date for your report results.

Mandatory/Voluntary Indicator

Indicates whether the corporate action is mandatory, voluntary, or either.

Corporate Action Status

Specifies the status of the corporate action for your report results. Options include:

  • Incomplete

  • Pending

  • Released

  • All

Corporate Action Type

Specifies the type of corporate action. For example, Exchange Offer or Dividend Reinvestment.

Corporate Action Event Type

Specifies the type of corporate action. For example, Non Taxable Exchange Offer or Dividend Reinvestment.

Pass/Fail Indicator

Optional field. Specifies the corporate action processing status to filter your report results. Available options include Pass and Fail.

Tolerance Percentage

Specifies the tolerance percentage used for the market value test. Default value is 5.0000 percent.