Set Up Trade Recon for DTCC

Set Up Trade Recon for DTCC

You must configure the Eagle environment before you can use the Trade Recon console for DTCC confirm and affirm processing for DTCC eligible trades. You must define the trade match keys to use and field tolerances to enforce for a successful match. Trades are eligible for DTCC processing when the security has the DTCC Eligible flag set to Y on the security master and the trade information satisfies these conditions:

  • Event Type for the trade must be a BUY, BUYCOVER, SELL, SHORTSELL, or CANCEL.
  • DTCC Bank ID must successfully resolve to the FINS number of the Custodian bank for a given custodian, using the Entity Bank Relationship.
  • Entity information must exist on the ENTITY_EXTENSION table in the RULES database for the DTCC Bank ID, Custody Bank Account Number, Interested Party ID, and Interested Party Account Number fields.
Content on this page:

Specify Match Keys

You must specify the match keys for a confirm and affirm to match for further reconciliation. Unmatched records, that is, records which do not agree on key fields, remain in the work tables for potential match to new trades.

To establish the match keys that match trade records:

  1. From the Trade Recon console, click Matching Rule.
    You see the Matching Rule Property dialog box.
  2. Click the Keys tab, if not already selected.
  3. Select fields to use for Trade keys and Confirm keys.
  4. Click OK to save the changes for your session. Or, click Save to Rule File to update the match rule in the dtc_match message stream.

Specify Matching Logic

You must specify the matching logic to apply to matched records to complete the determination of an appropriately matched confirm and affirm.

To establish the match expressions to evaluate matching trade records:

  1. From the Trade Recon console, click Matching Rule.
    You see the Matching Rule Property dialog box.
  2. Click the Match Expression tab, if not already selected.
    You see the Match Expression dialog box.
  3. Construct the field expressions to complete the determination of a successfully matched trade using the mathematical tool set provided. You can use mathematical expressions and functions such as IIF, TRIM, and FIND.
  4. Click OK to save the changes for your session. Or, click Save to Rule File to update the match rule in the dtc_match message stream.

Define Entity Bank Relationships

You must define entity bank relationships (EBR) to map the FINS number for the custodian to the Eagle Accounting entity identifier.

To define an Entity Bank Relationship:

  1. From within Eagle STAR, click the Account tab.
  2. From the Entity Bank Relationships menu, select  Add Entity Bank Relationship.
  3. Complete the fields on the Add Entity Bank Relationships panel and click Submit.

The Code Values table carries custodian FINS numbers under code category CUSTODIAN_BANK.


The MSGSERVICE.INI configuration text file sets key variables used by the Trade Recon console and associated message streams for DTCC processing of confirms and affirms. The file is located in the Eagle STAR Config Files/Configuration Files/msgcenter webserver folder and the Trade Recon parameters are located in the [DTC] section of the file.

To view the file from the Eagle Recon Center main window:

Click the Quick Links tab and click the Engine Manager link from the Monitor menu. Navigate to the folder path and filename. The following options are required for configuring the DTCC confirm and affirm reconciliation approach:

  • DataSetOption. Specifies the reconciliation approach for the Trade Recon console application.
    Options include:
    –  DataSetOption = 1. Indicates the standard DTCC confirm/affirm reconciliation approach.
    –  DataSetOption = 2. Indicates the Eagle data warehouse to warehouse comparison approach.
  • TradesUploadStream. Specifies the trade upload stream. Default is dtc-trades.
  • ConfirmsUploadStream. Specifies the confirm upload stream. Default is dtc-confirms.
  • UpdatesStream. Specifies the updates stream. Default is dtc-updates.
  • MatchStream. Specifies the match stream. Default is dtc-match.
  • AffirmStream. Specifies the affirm stream. Default is dtc-affirm.
  • ResultsStream. Specifies the results stream. Default is dtc-results.
  • SetlAcceptStream. Specifies the settle accept stream. Default isdtc-accept.
  • SetlAffirmStream. Specifies the settle affirm stream. Default isdtc-affirm.