Recon Event Panel Options

When you use Position Recon panels to submit events to match positions, ledger balances, and lots. You can select various event options based on the business requirements for your reconciliation. See the Match Positions, Ledger Balances and Lots page for details about using these panels.

Recon Positions Event Panel Options

The following are the key options when you match using the Recon Position Event panel.

Pos Recon Process

  • Event Type (tag 55). Specifies the event used to reconcile positions. Default is RECON_POSITION2.
  • Data Set Option (tag 989). Specifies the location of the position records for reconciliation.
    Options include:
    –  Position/Position Cust. Specifies the reconciliation of local Eagle STAR work records to local custodian work records.
    –  Warehouse/Warehouse. Specifies the reconciliation of warehouse records to warehouse records.
    –  Position/Warehouse. Specifies the reconciliation of local Eagle STAR work records to the warehouse records.
    –  Position Cust/Warehouse. Specifies the reconciliation of local custodian work records to the warehouse records.
    –  Portfolio Valuation/Warehouse. Specifies the reconciliation of ESTAR to the warehouse records.
Content on this page:

  • Left Source (tag 1102). Specifies the data source or source list to use for the left match.
  • Right Source (tag 1104). Specifies the data source or source list to use for the right match.
  • Effective Date (tag 1109). Specifies the effective date of the records to match.
  • Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity to match on ledger balances.
  • Entity ID / Composite ID (tag 1163). Specifies the entity ID or composite entity ID to match on ledger balances.
  • Active Status (tag 1283). Specifies the entity status. Options include Active (default) and Both.
  • Tolerance Rule ID (tag 4256). Specifies the tolerance rule with the filters to apply for position reconciliation.
  • Unmatch Only Flag List (tag 7050). Indicates whether to store only unmatched and out of balance records to the Exception tables to conserve table space. Default is store all records.
  • Match Nulls (tag1018). Indicates whether to reconcile to null values or flag as unmatched.


  • Position Units by Percentage (tag 1019). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Position Units Tolerance (tag 963). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Position Units. Default is 0.25.
  • Original Face by Percentage (tag 1021). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Original Face Tolerance (tag 964). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Original Face. Default is 0.25.
  • Market Value by Percentage (tag 1023). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Market Value Tolerance (tag 965). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Market Value. Default is 0.25.
  • Cost by Percentage (tag 1025). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Cost Tolerance (tag 966). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Cost. Default is 0.25.
  • Book Value by Percentage (tag 1027). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Book Value Tolerance (tag 967). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Book Value. Default is 0.25.
  • Accruals by Percentage (tag 1029). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Accruals Tolerance (tag 968). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Accruals. Default is 0.25.

For warehouse to warehouse position matching, you can specify tolerances for these additional fields on the data warehouse:

  • Book Value Base by Percentage (tag 1030). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Book Value Base Tolerance (tag 7661). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Book Value Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Market Value Base by Percentage (tag 1031). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Market Value Base Tolerance (tag 7662). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Market Value Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Accrued Income by Percentage (tag 1032). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Accrued Income Tolerance (tag 7663). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Accrued Income. Default is 0.25.
  • Notional Cost Base by Percentage (tag 1033). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Notional Cost Base Tolerance (tag 7664). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Notional Cost Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Unrealized GL Base by Percentage (tag 1034). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Unrealized GL Base Tolerance (tag 7665). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Unrealized Gain/Loss Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Unrealized GL by Percentage (tag 1035). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Unrealized GL Tolerance (tag 7666). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Unrealized Gain/Loss. Default is 0.25.
  • Dividend Receivable by Percentage (tag 1036). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Dividend Receivable Tolerance (tag 7667). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Dividend Receivable. Default is 0.25.
  • Dividend Receivable Base by Percentage (tag 1037). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Dividend Receivable Base Tolerance (tag 7668). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Dividend Receivable Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Reclaim Receivable by Percentage (tag 1038). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Reclaim Receivable Tolerance (tag 7669). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Reclaim Receivable. Default is 0.25.
  • Reclaim Receivable Base by Percentage (tag 1039). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Reclaim Receivable Base Tolerance (tag 7670). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Reclaim Receivable Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Settled Position by Percentage (tag 1040). Indicates whether to apply a percentage instead of a difference as the tolerance check.
  • Settled Position Tolerance (tag 7671). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Settled Position. Default is 0.25.

User Defined

  • User Float21 Tolerance (tag 7676). Indicates/specifies the tolerance amount allowed for User Float21.
  • User Float22 Tolerance (tag 7677). Indicates/specifies the tolerance amount allowed for User Float22.
  • User Group1 Tolerance Switch (tag 7051). Indicates whether to reconcile for matching User Group1 values.
  • User Group2 Tolerance Switch (tag 7052). Indicates whether to reconcile for matching User Group2 values.
  • User Date1 Tolerance Switch (tag 7053). Indicates whether to reconcile for matching User Date1 values.
  • User Date2 Tolerance Switch (tag 7054). Indicates whether to reconcile for matching User Date2 values.

For Portfolio Valuation to Warehouse position matching, you can only use Positions Units, Cost, and Unrealized Gain/Loss tolerances.

Recon Ledger Event Panel Options

The following are the options when you match using the Recon Ledger Event panel.

Ledger Matching Process

  • Event Type (tag 55). Displays the event used to reconcile positions as LEDGER_RECON.
  • Table Option (tag 989). Specifies the location of the ledger balance records as Warehouse/Warehouse.
  • Left Source ID (tag 7002). Indicates whether a source ID or source list is used to locate the records for the left match. Default is Source ID.
  • Left Source (tag 1102). Specifies the source ID or source list to use for the left match.
  • Left Source List (tag 373). Specifies the source list to use for the left match.
  • Right Source ID (tag 7004). Indicates whether a source ID or source list is used to locate the records for the right match. Default is Source ID.
  • Right Source (tag 1104). Specifies the source ID or source list to use for the right match.
  • Right Source List (tag 323). Specifies the source list to use for the right match.
  • Effective Date (tag 1109). Specifies the effective date of the records to match.
  • Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity to match on ledger balances.
  • Entity ID / Composite ID (tag 1163). Specifies the entity ID or composite entity ID to match on ledger balances.
  • Active Status (tag 1283). Specifies the entity status. Options include Active (default) and Both.
  • Match Nulls (tag 1018). Indicates whether to reconcile to null values or flag as unmatched.
  • Unmatch Only Flag List (tag 7050). Indicates whether to store only unmatched and out of balance records to the Exception tables to conserve table space. Default is store all records.
  • Roll Up Indicator List (tag 7060). Indicates whether to roll up security level balances to the ledger account for reconciliation.
  • Currency Flag List (tag 7179). Indicates whether to reconcile local currency balances in addition to base currency balances.
  • Tolerance Rule ID (tag 4256). Specifies the tolerance rule with the filters to apply for ledger balance reconciliation.


  • Ledger Balance by Percentage (tag 930). Indicates whether to apply percentage tolerances. Default is No.
  • Ledger Balance Tol (tag 922). Specifies the tolerance amount to apply to ledger balance matches to determine in balance, in balance within tolerance, and out of balance match statuses. Default is 0.25.

Recon Lots Event Panel Options

The following are the options when you match using the Recon Lots Event panel.

Lot Recon Process

  • Event Type (tag 55). Displays the event used to reconcile positions as LOTS_RECON.
  • Dataset Option (tag 989). Specifies the location of the ledger balance records as Warehouse/Warehouse.
  • Left Source ID / Source List (tag 7002). Indicates whether a source ID or source list is used to locate the records for the left match. Default is Source ID.
  • Left Source Name (tag 1102). Specifies the source ID to use for the left match.
  • Left Source List (tag 373). Specifies the source list to use for the left match.
  • Right Source ID / Source List (tag 7004). Indicates whether a source ID or source list is used to locate the records for the right match. Default is Source ID.
  • Right Source Name (tag 1104). Specifies the source ID to use for the right match.
  • Right Source List (tag 323). Specifies the source list to use for the right match.
  • Effective Date (tag 1109). Specifies the effective date of the records to match.
  • Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity to match on ledger balances.
  • Entity ID / Composite ID (tag 1163). Specifies the entity ID or composite entity ID to match on ledger balances.
  • Active Status (tag 1283). Specifies the entity status. Options include Active (default) and Both.
  • Tolerance Rule ID (tag 4256). Specifies the tolerance rule with the filter to apply for lot reconciliation.
  • Unmatch Only Flag List (tag 7050). Indicates whether to store only unmatched and out of balance records to the Exception tables to conserve table space.
  • Match Nulls (tag1018). Indicates whether to reconcile to null values or flag as unmatched.
  • Matching by Orig Event ID (tag 7043). Indicates whether to match lots by Original Event ID as an additional match key. Default is No.


  • Original Face by Percentage (tag 4064). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Original Face Tolerance (tag 8608). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Original Face. Default is 0.25.
  • Par of Shares by Percentage (tag 4065). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Par of Shares Tolerance (tag 8609). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Par of Shares. Default is 0.25.
  • Book Value by Percentage (tag 4066). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Book Value Tolerance (tag 8610). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Book Value. Default is 0.25.
  • Accrued Income by Percentage (tag 4067). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Accrued Income Tolerance (tag 8611). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Accrued Income. Default is 0.25.
  • Amort LTD Base by Percentage (tag 4068). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Amort LTD Base Tolerance (tag 8612). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Amort LTD Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Interest Sold Base by Percentage (tag 4069). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Interest Sold Base Tolerance (tag 8613). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for Interest Sold Base. Default is 0.25.
  • Int Received by Percentage (tag 4070). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Int Received Tolerance (tag 8614). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for int_received. Default is 0.25.
  • OID LTD Income by Percentage (tag 4071). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • OID LTD Income Tolerance (tag 8615). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for oid_ltd_income. Default is 0.25.
  • Market Value Income by Percentage (tag 4072). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Market Value Income Tolerance (tag 8616). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for market_value_income. Default is 0.25.
  • Notional Cost by Percentage (tag 4073). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Notional Cost Tolerance (tag 8617). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for notional_cost. Default is 0.25.
  • Mkt Value Base by Percentage (tag 4074). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Mkt Value Base Tolerance (tag 8618). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for mkt_value_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Notional Market Value by Percentage (tag 4075). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Notional Market Value Tolerance (tag 8619). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for notional_market_value. Default is 0.25.
  • TIP LTD Income by Percentage (tag 4076). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • TIP LTD Income Tolerance (tag 8620). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for tip_ltd_income. Default is 0.25.
  • Cls Amort Base by Percentage (tag 4077). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Cls Amort Base Tolerance (tag 8621). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for cls_amort_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Cls OID Income by Percentage (tag 4078). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Cls OID Income Tolerance (tag 8622). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for cls_oid_income. Default is 0.25.
  • Cls TIPs Income by Percentage (tag 4079). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Cls TIPs Income Tolerance (tag 8623). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for cls_tips_income. Default is 0.25.
  • Accr LTD Base by Percentage (tag 4080). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Accr LTD Base Tolerance (tag 8624). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for accr_ltd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Amort PTD Base by Percentage (tag 4081). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Amort PTD Base Tolerance (tag 8625). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for amort_ptd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Credit Loss Base by Percentage (tag 4082). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Credit Loss Base Tolerance (tag 8626). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for credit_loss_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Def Income Total PTD Base by Percentage (tag 4083). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Def Income Total PTD Base Tolerance (tag 8627). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for def_income_total_ptd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Impairment LTD Base by Percentage (tag 4084). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Impairment LTD Base Tolerance (tag 8628). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for impairment_ltd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Non Credit Loss Base by Percentage (tag 4085). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Non Credit Loss Base Tolerance (tag 8629). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for non_credit_loss_base. Default is 0.25.
  • OID PTD Base by Percentage (tag 4086). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • OID PTD Base Tolerance (tag 8630). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for oid_ptd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Orig Accr PTD by Percentage (tag 4087). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Orig Accr PTD Tolerance (tag 8631). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for orig_accr_ptd. Default is 0.25.
  • Orig Sold Interest Base by Percentage (tag 4088). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Orig Sold Interest Base Tolerance (tag 8632). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for orig_sold_interest_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Orig Traded Interest Base by Percentage (tag 4089). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Orig Traded Interest Base Tolerance (tag 8633). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for orig_traded_interest_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Orig Acq Cost Base by Percentage (tag 4090). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Orig Acq Cost Base Tolerance (tag 8634). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for orig_acq_cost_base. Default is 0.25.
  • TIPs PTD Base by Percentage (tag 4091). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • TIPs PTD Base Tolerance (tag 8635). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for tips_ptd_base. Default is 0.25.
  • Curr Ws Dis Loss Base by Percentage (tag 4092). Indicates whether to use a percentage tolerance check.
  • Curr Ws Dis Loss Base Tolerance (tag 8636). Specifies the tolerance amount allowed for curr_ws_dis_loss_base. Default is 0.25.