Process Corporate Actions

In the Global Process Center, you can run global jobs to apply corporate actions against all eligible entities and holdings. You can run these jobs for corporate action announcements with the status updated to Released. Eagle can configure your environment so that all the various corporate action panels are automatically executed each business day.

Run Corporate Actions

Open the Global Process Center window.

To access the Global Process Center:

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  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Global Process Center in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Global Process Center link to access the Global Process Center.
    You see the Global Process Center.

In the Corporate Actions Processing folder of the Global Process Center, you can access all the available global corporate action processing options. Similar types of announcements can be processed with the same panel. For example, mergers, exchange offers, assimilations and unit splits are all processed within a single panel.

The following figure shows a cash dividends example.

To process the corporate action events, open the specific global event panels and complete the following options:

  • Select Query Option. As with all Global jobs, you have the following choices in which to run the process:
    –  One Entity/One Security
    –  One Entity/All Securities
    –  All Entities/One Security
    –  All Entities/All Securities
    If the One Entity or One Security options are selected, you must enter the specific Entity ID and/or Security Identifier field values.
    If the All Entities options are selected, an additional field where you can enter the Process Center becomes visible. You can enter the Process Center ID field value to only process for the accounts assigned to that Process Center.
  • Corporate Action Begin Sweep Date Option and Corporate Action End Sweep Date Option. Enter the specific date or date range for the process to query for and apply any actions. NOTE: Announcements that are processed are in the Released status and have a sweep date within the selected date range.
  • Specific Accounting Date. Enter the specific accounting date to run the process.

Click Submit to initiate the process.

View Corporate Action Results

When the corporate actions process completes, the Global Process Center displays the results of the job.


In Position Viewer, you can view the results of the applied corporate action in both the Position and Cash objects. For positions, the details are displayed in the Open Adjustments tab.

To view cash activity (if any) for the corporate action, you can select the Receipts (or Disbursements) tab of the Cash object.


If after running the global job, no corporate actions are returned that the account/position are eligible for, the Global Process Center displays the following notification.

This above error is also displayed if you engage the wrong panel. In the above scenario, the Cash Dividend panel was used to process the announced cash dividend. But if, for example, the Stock Dividend panel was opened and executed, then the announced cash dividend is not applied to the account/position.Â