Process Contract Cash

In Eagle's Accounting solution, Contract Cash is an event that can be scheduled to run to settle transactions for which the settlement date is less than or equal to the current/system date. Contract Cash is run for all currencies for which an entity has unsettled activity.

You can configure Contract Cash rules to do the following:

  • Include or exclude classifications of cash, such as principal or income.
  • Include or exclude certain events, such as maturities or corporate actions.
  • Exclude certain currencies.

The Contract Cash event is typically set up to run throughout the day so that cash activity processed during the day is settled. You can also run the Contract Cash event manually using the Global Process Center.

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Run Contract Cash Manually

To run Contract Cash manually:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Global Process Center in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Global Process Center link to access the Global Process Center.
    You see the Global Process Center.
  4. Open the Settlements folder in the left navigation and select Contract Cash.
    You see the Contract Cash panel. 
  5. Complete the options on the Contract Cash panel. See the Contract Cash Panel Options section.
  6. Click Submit.

Contract Cash Panel Options

In the Contract Cash panel, you can run Contract Cash manually. The options may vary according to your selections.

Settlement Information

For settlement information, there is only one option, Select Query Option (tag 2283). This option determines how to apply the contract cash settlement, as follows:

  • One Entity/One Security
  • One Entity/All Securities
  • All Entities/One Security
  • All Entities/All Securities

Entity Information

The following are the options for entity information:

  • Entity ID (tag 1163). Specifies the identifier of the entity. It appears when you select One Entity/One Security or One Entity All Securities in the Select Query Option field.
  • Entity Name (tag 1164). Specifies the name of the entity. It appears when you select One Entity/One Security or One Entity All Securities in the Select Query Option field.

Security Information

The following are the options for security information:

  • Cross Reference Type (tag 1234). Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security. It appears when you select One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Cross Reference ID (tag 1233). Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security. It appears when you select One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Asset ID (tag 364). Specifies the asset identifier for the security. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Issue Name (tag 961). Specifies the name of the security. It appears when you select One Entity/One Security or All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Asset ID Type (tag 1432). Specifies the asset identifier type for the security. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.

Settle Dates

The following are the options for settle dates:

  • Beginning Settle Date (tag 220). Specifies the begin date for the settlement date range.
  • Ending Settle Date (tag 221). Specifies the end date for the settlement date range.

Accounting Dates

For accounting dates, there is only one option, Specific Accounting Date (tag 36). This option contains the specific accounting date for the unsettled activity.

Entity Attributes

The following are the options for entity attributes:

  • Batch Fetch Limit (tag 8134). Specifies the maximum number of events to submit to the engine at one time. The default is 200.
  • Conversion Value (tag 3914). Specifies the entity's conversion value. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Process Center (tag 4896). Specifies the entity's process center. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.
  • Exchange Rate Source (tag 514). Specifies the pricing source the system uses for pricing foreign exchange rates for the entity/accounting basis. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security in the Select Query Option field.

Settlement Options STAR Cash Category Types

For settlement options for cash category types, there is only one option, Settle Cash Category Type(s) (tag 1304). This option specifies the settlement types for processing cash settlements, as follows:

  • Trade and Income (Default)
  • Trade Only
  • Income Only

Specify Currency of Assets to Settle

The following are the options for specifying the currency of assets to settle:

  • Settle Specific Asset Currency (tag 2284). Indicates whether to run Contract Cash for a specific asset currency. Available options include:
    –  No (Default)
    –  Yes
  • Asset Currency (tag 85). Specifies the asset currency code. It appears when you select Yes in the Settle Specific Asset Currency field.

Settle All Base or Non Base Activity

For settling all base or non base activity, there is only one option, Settle Domestic/Foreign Activity (tag 10706). This option appears when you select No in the Settle Specific Asset Currency field and indicates whether to process Contract Cash for base or non-base activity. Select from the following:

  • Domestic Only (Local Currency = Base Currency)
  • Foreign Only (Local Currency not = Base Currency)
  • None

Settle Specific Processing Security Type

The following are the options for settling specific processing security types:

  • Processing Security Type (tag 3931). Specifies the security type. It appears when you select One Entity/All Securities, All Entities/One Security, or All Entities/All Securities in the Select Query Option field.
  • Partition (tag 95). Specifies the entity partition code. It appears when you select All Entities/One Security, or All Entities/All Securities in the Select Query Option field.

Example - Contract Cash

Eagle's Accounting solution maintains cash balances from both a traded and settlement basis. Once settlement date has been reached and contract cash processed, Position Viewer allows you to view the cash activity as both traded and settled.

For a coupon that has been generated, before settlement date, Position Viewer displays the coupon as traded. In the following figure, you see the value of TRADED in the Status column.


After contract cash is processed for the unsettled coupon, Position Viewer is updated, as shown in the following figure.