About Clean and Dirty Market Prices

Eagle's Accounting solution requires prices for interest rate swaps and credit default swaps to be supplied as "clean" unit prices. That is, without payable or receivable accrued interest. If accrued interest is included in the price, the interest is double counted in the daily valuation. If a broker or vendor supplies an all inclusive market value (dirty), the accrued interest must be backed out and divided by the notional amount to calculate a "clean" price.

In the Insert/Update Price Exchange panel, you can add the dirty market value for an interest rate swap and credit default swap. After adding the dirty market value, you can run a global process to calculate the clean unit price.

Add and Update Dirty Market Prices

To add or update a dirty market price:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Issue Viewer in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Issue Viewer link to access the tool.
    You see the Issue Viewer tool.
  4. In the left navigation, double click Price Exchange and Insert/Update Price Exchange.
    You see the Insert/Update Price Exchange panel.
  5. Complete the options on the Insert/Update Price Exchange panel.
  6. Click Submit.
    You are ready to trigger the Calculate Clean Unit Price process in the Global Process Center.

Insert/Update Price Exchange Panel Options

Content on this page:

The following are the options in the Insert/Update Price Exchange panel. 




Source and Security Information

Source Name


Specifies the source of the price/market value.

Source Comments


Provides source comments.

Asset ID Type


Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security, such as CUSIP, ISIN, and SEDOL.

Xreference ID


Specifies the security identifier of the security.

Issue Name


Specifies the name of the security.

Primary Exchange


Specifies the primary exchange on which the asset trades.

Price Details

Price Date


Specifies the effective date of the transaction.

Original Price


Specifies the original price.

Price Type Code


Specifies the price type. Options include:

  • Clean Market Value
  • Close
  • Dirty Market Value



Displays the notional value of the contract. This value must match the notional value used for accounting.

Other Information

Price Level


Specifies the FAS157 price level.

Calculate Clean Unit Prices

To calculate the clean unit price:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Global Process Center in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Global Process Center link to access the Global Process Center.
    You see the Global Process Center.
  4. In the left navigation, double click Calculate Clean Unit Price and Calculate Clean Unit Price.
    You see the Calculate Clean Unit Price panel.
  5. Complete the options on the Calculate Clean Unit Price panel.
  6. Click Submit.
    The system removes the accrued period-to-date interest from the dirty market value to calculate the clean unit price.

Calculate Clean Unit Price Panel Options

The following are the options in the Calculate Clean Unit Price panel. Note options may vary according to your selections. 




Calculate Clean Unit Price

Source Name


Specifies the source of the price/market value.

Select Query Option


Indicates whether you want to trigger the calculation for one security or all securities. Options include:

  • One Security
  • All Securities

Reprice Flag


Determines whether to update an existing price. Options include:

  • Yes. Update the existing clean price for the selected source. Choose this option if you are loading an updated price/market value to the PRICE EXCHANGE table. The clean unit price will need to be recalculated.
  • No. Do not update the existing clean price for the selected source. Choose this option when initially calculating a price for the effective date.

Pricing Center Flag


Determines whether to update the PRICE EXCHANGE table in the Pricing Center. Options include:

  • Yes. Insert/update the clean unit price in both the PRICE EXCHANGE table used by the Pricing Center and the PRICE table.
  • No. Default. Insert/update the clean price in the PRICE table only.

Effective Date


Displays the effective of the price/market value for the security.



Specifies the entity partition code. It appears when you select One Security or All Securities in the Select Query Option field.