Corporate Action Entitlement Report

The Corporate Action Entitlement report displays the corporate action records for a given entity and date range, including corporate actions processed or released after the announcement date and up to the pay date when the settle/pay date is prior to run date.

To create the Corporate Action Entitlement report:

  1. From the Accounting Center window, click Reporting in the left navigation.
  2. Double click Investment Accounting, Corporate Actions, and Corporate Action Entitlement.
    You see the Corporate Action Entitlement panel.
  3. Complete the fields on the Corporate Action Entitlement panel.
    NOTE: You can query by sweep date to identify corporate actions that have been canceled/corrected and require manager allocation and voluntary election information.
  4. Click Submit.
    You see the Submit Query dialog box.
  5. Click Advanced Report or Classic Grid Report for the report view you want.
    The report results appear on your desktop for the view selected. You can view the projected corporate actions for one or all securities in an entity, the entity elections, and the pending voluntary corporate actions.

Corporate Action Entitlement Panel Options

A definition of the options on the Corporate Action Entitlement panel follows.

Search Criteria

  • Entity ID. Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.
  • Entity Name. Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.
  • Accounting Basis. Specifies the entity accounting basis. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS.
  • Asset ID Type. Specifies the primary asset ID type of the security. For example, ISIN or CUSIP.
  • Asset ID. Specifies the primary asset ID of the security.
  • Issue name. Specifies the issue name of the security.
  • Report Type. Specifies the type of date for controlling your report results.
    Options include:
    –  Ex Date (Default)
    –  Sweep Date
  • Report Start Date. Specifies the start date for your report results.
  • Report  End Date. Specifies the ending date for your report results.
  • Corporate Action Status. Specifies the status of the corporate action for your report results.
    Options include:
    –  Incomplete
    –  Pending
    –  Released
    –  ALL (Default)
  • Process Indicator. Specifies the corporate action process indicator for your report results.
    Options include:
    –  Processed
    –  Not Processed
    –  Both (Default)
  • Include/Exclude Cancels. Allows you to include cancel events. The default is Exclude.

Selection Criteria

  • Report Filters. Allows you to show/hide additional report filters. The default is No.
  • Advanced Report Options. Allows you to show/hide advanced report, group, sort, and format options. The default is No.
  • Report Filters. You can filter results using other filters.
    Options include:
    –  Client Specific CA ID
    –  Corporate Action Type
    –  Mandatory/Voluntary Indicator (Default is Both)
    –  Long Short
    –  Event Type
    –  Processing Security Type