About Accounting Event Manager Events

In the Events workspace, you can search by event type and if you bring up Accounting Event Manager only, you can see an additional criteria specific to Accounting Event Manager events.  Accounting Event Manager events are Eagle's powerful accounting report tool. You can use Accounting Event Manager to:

  • Run events such as reports or tasks

  • Administer time-dependent processes such as income accruals

  • Set up specific portfolio or group of portfolio reports to be automatically generated and delivered

  • Distribute reports based upon user-defined distribution channels such as Portal, email, FTP, File Copy or Print

  • Set the storage location and viewer for previously run reports

You can add tasks to an Accounting Event Manager event, including Profile, Transfer, and Purge/Archive. You can schedule Accounting Event Manager events, submit with overrides to run ad hoc, and view run details. In the Monitor workspace, you can view the status of all Accounting Event Manager events, reprocess events that failed, and review and resolve any Accounting Event Manager exceptions. Accounting Event Manager events are also used in Eagle Job Management (EJM) processes that allow you to manage communication and data exchange workflows between Eagle and third party systems.