MC2 exposes a set of REST Endpoints. The REST endpoints are exposed directly on the Application Server on basePort + 207
. The basePort
is calculated based on the information from eagle/cfg/system.xml
(or eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/system.xml
on older systems).
For example if system.xml has the following data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <system version="1.1"> <servers baseport="20000" server_type="1" starversion="**Eagle Version 13.1**"> ... <server ignorewsdb="1" name="extractservice" offset="220" type="extractservice"/>
The basePort
will be 20000 + 220 = 20220 and the REST API port will be 20427.
The page with the list of available Swagger definitions can be accessed at
The above link will return a JSON document with the list of all available APIs grouped by resources.
To retrieve the full SWAGGER definition you can use:
Also, for example to retrieve the SWAGGER for Warehouse group only you can use:
To execute an extract you can use the SWAGGER definition to see all resource endpoints and parameters supported to build the URL. You can use either a Web Browser or a command line tool, like curl, to execute REST requests.
For example to retrieve an extract with one entity in eagleml you can use: