Use Entity To List to add an Entity to an existing Entity List.
Make sure that the Entity List to which you are attaching the Entity already exists in DB (Entity Lists are loaded/extracted via Entity List interface)
In this section:
Entity To List inbound interface is designed to load and update data in RULESDBO.ENTITY_LIST database table.
Incoming message format: EagleML (entityToList complex type).
Stream Logic
EagleML Inbound Processing Sequence
Entity To List is loaded into DB via eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_entity:
/eagle_default/in/xml/xml-ent_entitylist.xml rule is used,
which involves processing thru one of the following panels depending on the type of the DB event
- eagle/star/account/pan-addentity-l.htm
- eagle/star/account/pan-chgentity-l.htm
To load or update data with Entity To List send an EagleML message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_entity stream.
Outbound Specifics
There are two feedtypes available for Entities In List extract:
- STATICENTITYLISTEXTRACT - No required filters, but can process only EntityList and ProcessCenter. Any other Entity filters will return an error
- DYNAMICENTITYLISTEXTRACT - EntityList filter is required for this feedtype. EntityList should contain one or multiple values of EntityId with type LIST. They can be static or dynamic, STATIC lists will be ignored, for DYNAMIC lists entityIds which belong to specified list(s) will be extracted.