In this page:
Setting Status for a Task
If you want to set status for a task, you need to change the variable varTaskStatus
List of valid values for varTaskStatus:
- enumStatusSUCCESS;
- enumStatusFAILED;
- enumStatusNODATA.
To change the value of varTaskStatus variable, drop a Code shape from the ADVANCED group in left panel onto the workspace.
Click to the Code shape and fill fx input on the top of the workspace as :varTaskStatus: := :enumStatusSUCCESS:
Because of that, the task always will be SUCCESS
Others examples:
Assume you have task translator
If you set value of the Code shape as
:varTaskStatus: := :enumStatusFAILED:
The task always will be FAILED
But if status is FAILED you must set the description of the error to the TSR message will be full.
To do it add to the Code shape next code
:varErrorDescr: := 'Some description'
So the Code shape will consist of two lines
:varTaskStatus: := :enumStatusFAILED:;
:varErrorDescr: := 'Some description';
If you set value of the Code shape as
:varTaskStatus: := :enumStatusNODATA:
The task always will be NO_DATA
Task Status for a Decision Shape
There is example of using status of a task as condition of a Decision shape.
The Decision shape is available on the left panel in-group GATEWAYS
The shape has two branches TRUE and FALSE. To set the condition property click to the shape and set condition property on the right panel.
The status of a task is stored in variable TASK_[name_of_a_task]_STATUS
For example, in our case it’s TASK_test_task_translator_STATUS (test_task_translator it’s task from which depends others)
There are all possible values for the construction TASK_[name_of_a_task]_STATUS:
In our case the Decision shape has condition :TASK_test_task_translator_STATUS: = 'SUCCESS'
So if test_task_translator status is SUCCESS then task_translator_true will be executed
So if test_task_translator status is FAILED then condition of Decision shape will be FALSE and Decision_1 shape will be executed
The Decision_1 shape has condition :TASK_test_task_translator_STATUS: = 'FAILED'
So then task_translator_false will be execute
If test_task_translator status is NO_DATA then condition of Decision shape will be FALSE and condition of Decision_1 shape will be FALSE as well. And task_translator_nodata will be executed
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