Warehouse Close Lot - UPSERT Mode of Data Loading

The UPSERT mode is used if the element Batch Key (warehouseTransaction/batchKey element) is not present or null in the incoming EagleML message. For the single row mode the warehouseTransaction node can contains only one warehouseCloseLot complex element.

The set of values – key of record:

Security Alias + Source Name + Entity Id + Master Ticket Number + Close Open Event Id

Available examples:

Insert Data

For loading the new record automatically into the database leave the Update Switch empty in incoming message. The set of specified above values should not be exist.

Also you can set the the Update Switch to ‘I’:


Update Data

For updating the existing record automatically in the database leave the Update Switch empty in incoming message. The set of specified above values should exist.

Also you can set the the Update Switch to ‘U’:


Delete Data

For deletion the existing record from the database set the Update Switch to ‘D’:
