In this page:
By default, I2I adds Environment name in sentBy field in the header of the extract file like this:
But if for some reason this behavior does not suit you, the Environment name displayed can be either changed or removed from extract completely.
sentBy is extracted by default only for I2I. If you are extracting data not using I2I, this element is not extracted by default and you should use UseSentBy=Y in the RTR
UseSentBy Parameter
Enabled by default for I2I
When set to N, it disables the logic which adds Environment name in sentBy field in the header of the extract file
Valid values: Y(default) or N
<taskParameter> <name>UseSentBy</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>N</value> </taskParameter>
HubSentBy Parameter
HubSentBy determines the custom Environment name after the prefix for a specific extract.
HubSentBy requires UseSentBy set to Y
For example,
<taskParameter> <name>HubSentBy</name> <dataType>S</dataType> <value>MYENVVALUE</value> </taskParameter>
constructs the following sentBy element in extract:
If you want to use this value for all extracts in this environment, you can use its global variant in the file: