The following are general assumptions about the inputs to the calculation:
- A fund's annual expense ratio must be stored in the RULES database in the ENTITY_EXTENSION_HIST table on the MFP_EXP_RATIO column (ENTITY_EXTENSION if entity history is not being used).
- A fund's annual expense waiver ratio must be stored in the RULES database in the ENTITY_EXTENSION_HIST table on the MFP_ANN_EXPWAIVER column (ENTITY_EXTENSION if entity history is not being used).
- Expense and waiver ratios are assumed to be quoted on an annual basis.
- Expense and waiver ratios must be entered as a numeric percentage. For example, an annual expense ratio of 1.20% must be entered as .0120.
- Waiver ratios must be entered as a positive number. For example, if the fund is waiving 50% of the funds 1.20% annual expenses, the MFP_ANN_EXPWAIVER column must be set to .006 [.006 being 50% of .012].
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