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In the Eagle product suite, an Eagle center groups together Eagle components with related functionality and serves as a toolbox of Eagle functionality based on a specific role and function that you need to perform every day. All Eagle center windows contain similar elements to help you perform tasks more efficiently. 

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Table of Contents
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A recent link in the Eagle Navigator dialog box is automatically created once you have accessed a center or component for the first time. You can create shortcuts to the most frequently used centers, these shortcuts remain in the Eagle Navigator dialog box until you remove them manually.

Reaccrue after Bypassing Earnings Processing

To reaccrue after bypassing earnings processing:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.. 
  2. Enter Global Process Center in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Global Process Center link to access the Global Process Center.

    You see the Global Process Center.

  4. Open the Earnings folder in the left navigation pane and select Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass.
    You see the Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass panel.
  5. Complete the options on the Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass panel. 
  6. Click Submit.

Access Eagle Centers via the All Programs Option

To access Eagle centers via the All Programs option:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Click All Programs and select a center. Click Back to exit the list.
  3. Click the link to launch the center in a new window (default). To launch the center in the same window, right click the link and select Open in Same Window.
  4. To exit an Eagle center, click the Eagle Navigator button, hover over the Sign Out button, and click Close for the appropriate center.

To access Eagle centers via recent links:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
    You see the Eagle Navigator dialog box with links to the most recently accessed centers and components.
  2. Click the recent link to launch the center in a new window (default). To launch the center in the same window, right click the link and select Open in Same Window.
  3. To exit an Eagle center, click the Eagle Navigator button, hover over the Sign Out button, and click Close for the appropriate center.

To access Eagle centers via shortcut links:

  • From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  • Click All Programs to select a center or a component.
  • Right click the link and select Add shortcut.
    The shortcut is added to the Eagle Navigator dialog box. Click Removeshortcut to remove the shortcut you created.
  • Click the shortcut to launch the center in a new window (default). To launch the center in the same window, right click the link and select Open in Same Window.
  • To exit an Eagle center, click the Eagle Navigator button, hover over the Sign Out button, and click Close for the appropriate center.

    You can use a transaction's Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option to have that transaction bypass specific types of accounting processing during rollback and replay, such as the Earnings process. 

    Backdated trade processing for fixed income securities can take a significant amount of time to process due to the amount of rollback/replay. The backdated activity can often take several hours to complete, which not only takes a significant amount of system resources to process but can delay other client-related activity as well. For example, TBA allocations can lead to hundreds of backdated trades that rollback and replay months of earnings and paydowns for every transaction. Instead of doing rollback/replay after every trade, Eagle Accounting allows you to perform that rollback and replay once, after all activity has been posted.

    About the Bypass Earnings Replay Option

    You can have the system assign the Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option to fixed income transactions to have those transactions bypass specific types of accounting processing, such as earnings, during rollback and replay in order to improve system performance. You can then rollback and replay those transactions a single time after all activity is posted. 

    The transaction's Bypass Earnings Replay option can have one of the following values: 

    • A. Bypasses earnings processing, along with other processes, during rollback and replay to lock down a position.

    • Y. Suppresses the replay of earnings through the last earn thru date during rollback and replay and does not lock down the position.

    This option does not appear on transaction entry panels.

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    Set the Bypass Earnings Replay Option to A

    You can have the system set the Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option to a value of A on transactions if you want Eagle Accounting to bypass the Earnings replay during the rollback/replay process. The rollback still occurs, but no income or trades replay ensues, which significantly improves system performance while posting backdated transaction activity. This setting is often used during TBA allocation, because the trade activity involved many backdated trades which rolled back earnings and factors each time during every trade. 

    If you assign the Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option for a transaction to a value of A, during transaction processing the system bypasses Earnings processing along with the following accounting functions:

    • OpenWashSaleAdj

    • CloseWashSaleAdj

    • accrueMaster

    • supplementEventWithEarnProperty

    • ledgerPeriodForwardBackward

    • calcVariationMargin

    • CalculateYield

    • CalcTradedInterest

    • setConvBond

    • supplementEventWithYieldProperty

    • LedgerPosting_Generate_DRCR_ByRow

    • CalcTipsIndexRatio

    • GetPaydownGainloss

    • SetIncomeRecognitionTag

    • Included in this list is the write cursor to the STAR to PACE Delta trigger log. The system bypasses this log to increase processing speeds. After you run the REACCRUE event, the system populates the STAR to PACE Delta trigger log and subsequently updates the Eagle data warehouse.

    Assign Transactions a Value of A

    The Bypass Earnings Replay field is not available in any accounting trade entry panels. Because each Eagle client that uses this option has their own criteria for assigning this tag to transactions, you can use the Force Add Tags option on the stream to assign this tag a value of A. The Force Add Tags option, available in Message Center Editor's ID RUNPANEL Editor, allows you to add tags on an ad hoc basis without modifying and customizing a panel. For audit purposes, the system adds this column to the ESTAR_FINANCIAL_EVENT table once the trades are processed. 

    The Bypass Earnings Replay field is available when you book an impairment for a fixed income security using the Book Impairment Adjustment panel.

    Process Transactions Set to A

    Once you book a trade on the position with Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option set to a value of A, Eagle Accounting locks it down. This means that you cannot run the normal Earnings process or attempt to process factors until you run the Reaccrue process. You can use the Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass panel to catch up earnings that the system previously bypassed. 

    During transaction processing, Eagle Accounting uses the PLANSTEP_FUNC_BYPASS_DT column on the ESTAR_COST_POSITION table. It sets this column equal to Trade Date minus one of the earliest trade on a position that was booked with Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) set to A. Eagle Accounting uses this date to determine how far it needs to roll back earnings. The system then replays earnings up through the previous EARN_THROUGH_DATE on the ESTAR_COST_POSITION table. You can view the value in Position Viewer for the Cost position, where the value is called PLANSTEP_FUNC_BYPASS_DT (tag 12401). It represents the date in which earnings need to be caught up from. It is used only by the Earnings process run through the Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass panel.

    The system only bypasses ledger activity for open transactions. It does this because if a backdated close occurred that rolled back several transactions, the ledger postings associated with those rolled back transactions will remain on the ledger. Therefore, the system does not bypass ledger activity for closes and cancels at this time.

    Set the Bypass Earnings Replay Option to Y

    You can have the system set the Bypass Earnings Replay (tag 11793) option to a value of Y on transactions. You can have the system place this value on any backdated event. For example, you can use this value with the event type of INCRFEE or DECRFEE, 

    Using a value of Y suppresses the replay of earnings through the last earn thru date during rollback replay. For example, if you have a buy which has earned through today, and then you post another backdated buy today with a trade date of yesterday, you do not earn again through today as you normally would. 


    The position is not locked when you use this option. You can use the standard earnings process to catch up earnings. You do not have to use the Reaccrue for Earnings Bypass panel with this option.