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You can select Link Period Override from the report effective date options available when you create a Performance Analysis report profile. See the following figure. For more information, refer to Create a Performance Analysis Report Profile.

Link Period OverrideImage Modified 

When you select the Link Period Override option as the date period for a Performance Analysis report profile, you can enter a date range as the Link Period Override. You can specify a start date and end date that differ, or can set the start and end date to the same date for a single day analysis. See the following figure.Image Removed 

Applying Dates with the Link Period Override
When you apply a Link Period Override to a report profile, the report applies the report profile dates to any linking fields configured with the Between dates option in the report Field Rule and overrides the field level hard coded dates. It processes all other types of linking fields and Performance Analysis fields by applying the report profile "To" date as the end effective date for the fields.


An example of these field level options appears in the following figure. For more information about these options, refer to Performance Link Analysis Field Linking Options.

Field Level OptionsImage Modified

The following table describes the linking options you can specify for PLA and PRA fields and describes how Eagle Performance applies the Link Period Override dates you specify for the report profile.


You can select Link Period Override (Date Rule) from the report effective date options available when you create a Performance Analysis report profile. See the following figure.

Link Period Override (Date Rule)Image Modified

When you select the Link Period Override (Date Rule) option, you can enter a date rule as the Link Period Override. See the following figure.

Date Rule Option in Link Period OverrideImage Modified 

Using the Link Period Override Option in Advanced Reports
