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The Report Sheet for Performance Calculation reports is a replica of your Performance Calculation results and is sorted and grouped the same way as the normal Performance Calculation report.

The first open cell in the Results worksheet contains the begin date and end date of the report period in an international date format. The security level results for all columns in the Report Sheet include hyperlinks. Clicking the security name link takes you to the Security worksheet for that security. See the following figure.

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Report Sheet Example

Business Calendar Sheet


See the following figure.
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Parameters Sheet Example - General Settings Section


The Commit Options section of the Parameters sheet shows the report's commit settings. You can assign commit options in the report profile. See "Defining the Performance Calculation Report Profile." You can also set commit options manually when you view report results and click the Commit the Profile icon. For more information, see "About the Client-Side Commit." See the following figure.
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The Rules section of the Parameters sheet displays the rules used to run the report. This section includes one or more Report Rules, the Field Rule, and the Source Rule. For each Report Rule or Rules, Field Rule, and/or Source Rule defined in the report profile or applied as an override, this section indicates if that rule was not overridden or was applied using an override. See the following figure.
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Tolerance Check Fields

The Tolerance Check section of the Parameters sheet displays the values that affect the tolerance checks applied when you ran the report. It includes the commit tolerance, the materiality check, and reference field names specified at the Field Rule or Report Rule level. For the Commit Tolerance Field, Materiality Check Field, and Numeric Reference Field, it also shows the corresponding database column name in the PERFORM database where this information resides. For more information about these fields, see "Using Tolerance Checks and Reference Fields." See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF310035003200300031003a00RTF310035003200300031003a00 Anchor_Toc337537749_Toc337537749 Anchor_Toc361231343_Toc361231343Parameters Sheet Example - Tolerance Checks Section  

Relation Fields

The Relation Fields section of the Parameters sheet displays the primary field and secondary fields with a Type of PC (Positions to Cash) stored in the Relation Fields table used in the report. You use this data when you calculate returns when a portfolio holds a position both long and short at the same time, and these positions are stored as two separate positions in the HOLDING database. These fields tell the performance return calculator how to join up positions and cash activity where there are optional columns such as long/short indicator that make up a virtual key. For more information, see "Chapter 5: Working with Long/Short Positions." See the following figure.
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The Errors section of the Parameters sheet displays errors or warning issued during processing of the Performance Calculation report or during the committing of the data. See the following figure.
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Commit Sheet


For more information, see "Configuring New Fields for Commit Mapping." See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF340035003200350034003a00RTF340035003200350034003a00 Anchor_Toc337537752_Toc337537752 Anchor_Toc361231346_Toc361231346Commit Sheet Example - Commit Map Summary Section
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Dictionary Detail Summary


This section includes the DICTIONARY_ID, DICTIONARY_ITEM_ID, DICTIONARY_DETAIL_ID, columns L1–L8 for each level of the performance model, all the PERF_SEC_RETURNS columns committed to and the values committed. Each level column, L1–L8, shows the level as well as the short and long description in parenthesis. This section does not describe security level data. For more information, see "Working with Dictionary Data." See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF390037003700390030003a00RTF390037003700390030003a00 Anchor_Toc337537753_Toc337537753 Anchor_Toc361231347_Toc361231347Commit Sheet Example - Dictionary Detail Summary Section

Entity Sheet

The Entity sheet for Performance Calculation reports displays all of the Entity fields that the report retrieved for processing. See the following figure.
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Security Sheet


If you ran the report for a composite, the Security sheet shows the securities associated with the composite's underlying entities. See the following figure.
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Positions Sheet


The Positions section of the Positions sheet displays the positions used in processing the report. Each row has a column for each performance model level and a column for every begin date holdings field using in the processing of the report. Those columns retrieved for both the end effective date and begin effective date have one column for each date, with the field name pre-pended by the word "begin" or "end."
The rows in this section appear in order of Security Alias, followed by the Relation field used, such as the Long Short Indicator. You can click the Security Alias for each row to view that security in the Securities worksheet. See the following figure.
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Cash Activity Sheet


The Cash Activity Source section of the Cash Activity sheet shows the Cash Activity sources from the Source Rule used and the corresponding source instances. See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF320039003200390039003a00RTF320039003200390039003a00 Anchor_Toc337537758_Toc337537758 Anchor_Toc361231352_Toc361231352Cash Activity Sheet Example - Cash Activity Source Section

All Cash Activity

The All Cash Activity section of the Cash Activity sheet displays all the cash activity records used in processing the report. Each row has a column for each field used in processing the report, including flows and fields such as ORIG_TRANS_NUMB and PERF_FLOW_DESCR.
The rows in this section appear in order of Security Alias, followed by Effective Date, and then by Perf Flow Descriptor. You can click the Security Alias for each row to view that security in the Securities worksheet, where you can click another link for the security to jump to the Positions worksheet. See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF330033003700350031003a00RTF330033003700350031003a00 Anchor_Toc337537759_Toc337537759 Anchor_Toc361231353_Toc361231353Cash Activity Sheet Example - All Cash Activity Section
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SCF Sheet


The SCF section of the SCF sheet displays the SCF settings used if you enabled Significant Cash Flow (SCF) processing when you ran the report. For more information about the options in the report profile's Significant Cash Flow Processing dialog box, see "Chapter 4: Processing Significant Cash Flows (SCF)." See the following figure.
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Inputs Section

The Inputs section of the SCF sheet displays any subperiod frequency performance data retrieved to complete the monthly frequency Performance Calculation report.

The Inputs section contains the columns: Group, Group Hierarchy, Rollup Returns ID, Security Alias, End Effective Date, Source, Frequency, Status (Preliminary or Final) and the input columns. Rolled up returns are first sorted by Rollup Returns ID, followed by Security level returns which are sorted by Security Alias.


If ALL columns are null on a particular effective date, the report does not show any rows or data in the Inputs section for that effective date.

See the following figure.
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FX Rates Sheet


The Entity Base Currency section lists the entity type and Entity ID (in parenthesis) of each entity used in the report. This includes the profile composite, along with constituents and benchmarks. For each entity it displays the entity's base currency and an effective date. If you enable Entity History for the report profile, it shows the date when the base currency became effective for the entity. Otherwise, if you do not enable Entity History for the report profile, it shows the report effective date. The three columns to the right identify the type of FX conversion performed for the entity. See the following figure.
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Anchor_Toc361231357_Toc361231357FX Rates Sheet – Entity Base Currency Section Example

Inputs Section

The Inputs section displays all FX Rate data values used in the generation of the report results. FX Rates appear in order of From Security, To Security, and then Effective Date. See the following figure.
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Anchor_Toc361231358_Toc361231358FX Rates Sheet – Inputs Section Example

Each line in this section provides information about an FX rate used in the report. The following table describes each column in this section.


The Field Parameters section of the Field sheet displays all the parameters for that field. See the following figure. These include the Begin Date and End Date of the data used, if the Use Business Calendar check is on, as well as the underlying performance fields and their database column name. The type of field you select and the options you select for that field determine the Field Parameters section's contents. For detailed information about setting up Performance Analysis, Performance Link Analysis, and Performance Risk Analysis fields, see the Performance Analysis and Reporting User Guide. See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF310036003200300035003a00RTF310036003200300035003a00 Anchor_Toc337537763_Toc337537763 Anchor_Toc361231360_Toc361231360Field Sheet - Field Parameters Section Example

Analysis Highlights Section

The Analysis Highlights section of the Field sheet displays the highest and lowest five values from all grouping levels, as well any null values for all the input fields. For the highest and lowest five values, the actual value displays while for the null values, the effective date displays. All the Highlights include links to the actual value within the Inputs section. See the following figure.


If ALL columns are null on a particular effective date, the report does not show these effective dates in the Null Values section of the Analysis Highlights section.

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Errors and Warnings Section


The Inputs section of the Field sheet displays all data values used in the generation of the report results. See the following figure. The Inputs section contains the columns: Group, Rollup Returns ID, Security Alias, End Effective Date, Source, Frequency, Status (Preliminary or Final) and the input columns (specified in the Field Parameters section in Figure 163). Rolled up returns are first sorted by Rollup Returns ID, followed by Security level returns which are sorted by Security Alias.


If ALL columns are null on a particular effective date, the report does not show any rows or data in the Inputs section for that effective date.

See the following figure.
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AnchorRTF320030003200330033003a00RTF320030003200330033003a00 Anchor_Toc337537765_Toc337537765 Anchor_Toc361231362_Toc361231362Field Sheet - Inputs Section Example

Purge EagleEye Files

Your EagleEye files are stored in the customer attachments table in the PACE_MASTER database. Using the Data Archive Policy, you can purge built up EagleEye files or move them to another table.