In the Create Group Expense wizard's Step 1: Setup Group Expense Details panel, you can add a new group expense or add one or more group level expense rules for an existing group expense. The following are the options in the Create Group Expense wizard for Step 1: Setup Group Expense Details.
Option | Tag | Description |
Fund Information | ||
Select Type of Group Expense | 7102 | Indicates whether you are adding an expense group or adding expense information for an existing expense group. Options include:
Group ID | 1163 | Specifies the entity identifier for the expense group. An expense group is a "shell" entity used in group level expense processing that has an entity type of EXPG. This field appears when you add a new group expense. |
Group ID | 1149 | Specifies the entity identifier for the expense group. An expense group is a "shell" entity used in group level expense processing that has an entity type of EXPG. This field appears when you add group expense details for an existing group expense. |
Group Name | 1164 | Specifies the entity name for the expense group. This field appears when you add a new group expense. |
Group Name | 9744 | Specifies the entity name for the expense group. This field appears when you add group expense details for an existing group expense. |
Accounting Basis | 21 | Displays the accounting basis for the expense group entity. An expense group entity has an accounting basis of EXPG. |
Acct Currency | 86 | Specifies the base currency of the expense group entity. Each entity in the expense group has the same base currency and expenses accrue in that currency. |
Process Center | 4896 | Specifies the expense group entity's process center. Each entity in the expense group has the same process center. |
Partition Assignment | ||
Entity Partition | 1334 | Specifies the segment of the database where you store the expense group entity transactions. Entity partitioning is used for strategic high volume clients that require partitioning of the ESTAR database schema. This field appears only if you are adding a new expense group. Eagle clients that do not use partitioning use the default value of 1. |
Expense Information | ||
Group Expense Type | 2289 | Indicates whether you are adding group expense details based on a fixed or variable expense. Additional fields appear based on the value you select. Options include:
Primary Expense Account Name | 3252 | For a variable group expense, specifies a valid expense account. For a fixed group expense, specifies the receivable/account in which to post the accruals. |
Rate Type | 2290 | Identifies the Accrual Type Indicator field (tag 3200) value for the fixed expenses in the entities that comprise the expense group. The accrual type indicator indicates whether expenses are fixed or spread over a period. Options include:
Fee Amount | 3201 | Specifies the amount you want to accrue for fixed expenses. For example, suppose you set the Accrual Type Indicator field to Fixed Daily Accrual and you enter an amount of $50.00. An expense accrual of $50.00 per day begins as of the start date of the expense. If you set the Accrual Type Indicator field to Spread Over Period, the amount is spread out and accrued between the start and end date of the expense. The amount can be a positive or negative integer. The system calculates the amount to post on each date using the value in the (hidden) Calculation Frequency field, which is always Daily for group expenses. |
Accrual Beginning Date | 220 | Specifies the accrual begin date. |
Accrual Ending Date | 221 | Specifies the accrual end date for the fixed group expense. An end date is only required when the accrual type is spread over a period. |
Tier Id | 3255 | Specifies the expense tier for the variable group expense. |
Fee Currency | 85 | Specifies the local currency in which the asset is denominated. |
Calendar/Business Days | 824 | Displays whether business or calendar days are used. This field is populated by information stored at the entity level. |
Expense Group | 2993 | Displays the entity ID of the selected expense group. |
Minimum Fee Amount | 3254 | Specifies the minimum fee applied if a daily accrual fails to meet the minimum. This field is optional and applies to variable group expenses. If you enter a value for the Minimum Fee Amount and Minimum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the minimum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the minimum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual does not meet the minimum, the system posts the minimum instead. |
Minimum Fee Frequency | 3253 | Specifies the frequency of the minimum amount. This field applies to variable group expenses. This value is optional, but if you specify a minimum fee frequency, you must specify a corresponding minimum fee amount. If you enter a value for the Minimum Fee Amount and Minimum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the minimum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the minimum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual does not meet the minimum, the system posts the minimum instead. Options include:
Maximum Fee | 11451 | Specifies the maximum fee applied if a daily accrual exceeds the maximum. This field is optional and applies to variable group expenses. If you enter a value for the Maximum Fee and Maximum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the maximum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the maximum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual exceeds the maximum, the system posts the maximum instead. |
Max Fee Frequency | 11578 | Specifies the frequency of the maximum amount. This field applies to variable group expenses. This value is optional, but if you specify a maximum fee frequency, you must specify a corresponding maximum fee amount. If you enter a value for the Maximum Fee and Maximum Fee Frequency fields, the system compares the maximum fee amount with the actual fee accrued for the maximum fee frequency period. If the actual accrual exceeds the maximum, the system posts the maximum instead. Options include:
Minimum/Maximum Fee Type | 11870 | Indicates whether the system calculates the minimum and/or maximum fee amounts for the group expense, if specified, at the group level or at the entity level. Options include:
Waiver Information | ||
Expense Limit/Cap | 4754 | Allow you to choose a percentage of a variable expense to waive during the accrual process instead of accruing the full amount and reimbursing the fund if expenses over accrue during the accrual period. |
Waiver Expiration Date | 4755 | Specifies the waiver expiration date for the variable expense. |
Other Information | ||
Accrual Update Option | 12045 | Defines the method for updating accruals related to the fixed group expense's monthly spread. Options include:
Calculation Method | 12072 | Identifies the spread period for fixed group expenses that use a monthly calendar spread when you carry forward the expense from period to period. Monthly is the only available option. |