Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

ESP-367: EagleML - Optimize requests in task_reporter and updated to use bind parameters


Files changed 
• eagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd
• eagleml-wh-shared-2-0.xsd
• smf_egl_gen_interface_template.xsl
• smf_egl_gen_interface_template_mssql.xsl

ESP-2435: unpacker stream to remove BOM if not supported by core.

Streaming rules are unable to handle any UTF-8 BOM characters.

Logic has been added to the task_unpacker stream to eliminate such characters from source files.

Changes are specifically for UNIX environments and for the following list of environments:

• EagleML20_Version < '15.2'
• EagleML20_Version = '15.2' and EagleML20_Revision < 26
• EagleML20_Version >= '17.0' and EagleML20_Version < '17.2'
• EagleML20_Version = '17.2' and EagleML20_Revision < 4

The W_RS_REMOVE_BOM_IF_UNSUPPORTED global variable controls this new functionality.

Files changed:

ESP-2463: Added empty destination compatibility for profiled generic load


Files changed:

ESP-2662: GIPSDisclosures: add filters for disclosureName and disclosureType to Extract

New filters:



Files changed:

ESP-2695: 2017ORA - REF_006_Client REF_007_ClientCommunication test cases problem


Files changed:

ESP-2730: EagleML Delta Based mode doesn't work correctly sometimes

The SQL query for retrieving delta information was occasionally executed incorrectly due to the PACE_MASTERDBO.ORCH_QUEUE table being included in the query. This table does not hold any critical information for delta processing, but would sometimes make the query return no records.

The table was removed from the query for more consistent delta based processing.

Changed files:

ESP-2742: Stored procedure for non-existing tables should not be created


File changed:
• \msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm\

ESP-2755: add support of MS SQL for ClientCommunication object

The inbound ClientCommunication rule was updated to use Meta Information and auto-generated includes instead of the MSGESXCHANGE.

MSSQL queries were introduced for resolving instances and support for MSSQL was added to the outbound rule.

Streaming mode was enabled and new filters were implemented:

Old filters: (Still supported)

New filters:

<value>TestValue </value>

ESP-2759: xml-smf_generic.xml - businessCalendarName is being truncated to 10 characters


changed files:

ESP-2774: EJM- Remove unnecessary file copy function

During extracts files were being copied unnecessarily. This was related to there being places in the rules where a file would get copied instead of moved.

Additional logic was added to the RENAME preprocessor which would make the preprocessor not run if the final file name matched the original.

The MSGEXCHANGE that is responsible for sending files to JMS was changed to move the files rather than copy them.

If the delivery method for a file is JMS then the file will no longer be moved to the cmw/extracts folder.

An additional flag was added for deleting the original archive in case of base 64 encoding.

Files changed:

ESP-2775: Running SMFEXTRACT in history mode showing ORA-00904: "INTERFACES"."INSTANCE": invalid identifier


Files changed:  

ESP-2778: GENCORPACTIONSEXTRACT running through Generic Extract in MC not producing a file to a custom directory when no records

The parameters were being ignored by the outbound rule since along the way the parameter names were all getting converted to lowercase.

This logic for this was fixed and the extract goes to the correct location now.

Files changed:

ESP-2779: Subscribe Redeem extract - Shares Outstanding Incorrect for Intraday Nav Funds


Files changed:

ESP-2837: Missing reference to include

The missed reference has been added to the necessary packages:


ESP-2890: Warehouse Trade extract fails on env where ext table is not available

The Warehouse Trade extract with the EnableSignageLogic set to “Y” was failing in some regions due to the new table TRADE_EXT not being present on all regions.

A lookup for the table was added and the results are stored in the vIsTradeExtTableExist variable. Depending on the value in this variable the fields that are in the TRADE_EXT table will either be included or excluded.

Files changed:
