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With Eagle's Accounting solution, you can adjust the booked cost for a specific lot using the Cost Basis Adjustment panel and can view the cost adjustment activity in the Position Viewer tool.

Execute a Cost Adjustment

To execute a cost adjustment:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
  2. Enter Cost Basis Adjustment in the Start Search text box.
  3. Click the Cost Basis Adjustment (Accounting Center) link to access the panel.
    You see the Cost Basis Adjustment panel.
  4. Complete the options on the Cost Basis Adjustment panel. See the Cost Basis Adjustment Options section.
    In addition to entering the entity and security identifier, you must enter a value for the following:
    –  Event Type. Determines the business intent of the event. Options include Increase Basis and Decrease Basis.
    –  Choose Open Lot. Specifies the lot for which you are making the cost adjustment.
    –  Current Cost Adjustment Local. Specifies the amount of the adjustment.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Close the Cost Basis Adjustment bottom tab to return to the Accounting Center.
    See the following example of the Cost Basis Adjustment panel.

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Cost Basis Adjustment Options

In the Cost Basis Adjustment panel, you can execute a cost adjustment.


Options may vary according to your selections.

Entity Information

The following are the options for entity information:

Entity ID
(tag 1163). Specifies
1163Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.
Entity Name
 (tag 1164). Specifies
1164Specifies the abbreviated name of the entity.
Base Currency
(tag 86). Displays
86Displays the base currency of the entity.
Accounting Basis
(tag 21). Specifies
21Specifies the accounting basis.
Security Information

The following are the options for security information:

End Date
(tag 221). Specifies
221Specifies the end of period date.
Event Type
(tag 55). Specifies
55Specifies the type of event. Available options include Increases Basis and Decreases Basis.
Long/Short Indicator
(tag 15). Indicates
15Indicates whether the position is long or short. Available options include Long and Short.
Issue Name
 (tag 961). Specifies
961Specifies the name of the security.
 (tag 13). Specifies
13Specifies the symbol used to uniquely identify a security.
Xref Type
(tag 1234). Displays
1234Displays the cross reference type associated with the security.
Xref Security ID
(tag 1233). Specifies
1233Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security.
Primary Asset ID
 (tag 14). Specifies
14Specifies the identification number of the primary asset ID type for the security.
Instrument Type
(tag 11). Displays
11Displays the instrument type, such as cash, equity, or fixed income.
Security Type
 (tag 82). Displays
82Displays the security type of the asset.
Issue Currency
(tag 85). Displays
85Displays the local currency of the security.
Accounting Information

The following are the options for accounting information:

Choose Open
Lot (tag 962). Displays
Lot 962Displays a list of open lots for which you can process a cost adjustment.
Event Type
(tag 502). Displays
502Displays the business intent of the transaction.

Trade Date

 (tag 35). Specifies

35Specifies the effective date of the trade. The trade date cannot be greater than the post date, accounting date, or settlement date.
Accounting Date
 (tag 36). Specifies
36Specifies the date the trade is reported. The accounting date must be greater than the trade date.
Monthly Accounting Date
(tag 4733). Displays
4733Displays the month end accounting date.
Trade Quantity
(tag 159). Displays
159Displays the quantity of the open adjustment event.
Unit Price
(tag 160). Specifies
160Specifies the price of the security per unit.
Original Cost Local
(tag 162). Displays
162Displays the total cost of the executed trade.
Current Cost Local
 (tag 128). Displays
128Displays the current identified cost basis in local currency.
Current Cost Adjustment Local
(tag 50). Specifies
50Specifies the amount of the adjustment.
Local to Base FX Rate
(tag 87). Displays
87Displays the local to base foreign exchange rate.
Current Cost Adjustment Base
(tag 50). Displays
50Displays the base amount of the trade.
Target Event ID
(tag 26). Displays
26Displays the target event ID type.
Custodian Bank Name
 (tag 1146). Specifies
1146Specifies the name of the custodian bank.
Custodian Bank
Code (tag 1240). Specifies
Code 1240Specifies the custodian bank code.
Custody Bank Account Number
 (tag 1660). Specifies
1660Specifies the custodian bank account number.
Custody Bank Subaccount
(tag 11852). Specifies
11852Specifies the custodian bank subaccount.
Other Information

The following are the options for other information:

Original Trade Ticket Number
(tag 761). Specifies
761Specifies the origin of the trade ticket number.
Transaction Notes
(tag 56). Specifies
56Specifies the comments about the transaction.
(tag 1828). Indicates
1828Indicates the reason for the cost adjustment.
Offset Account
(tag 1825). Specifies
1825Specifies the offset account.
Recalculate Yield
(tag 1257). Determines
1257Determines whether to recalculate yield. Options include Yes and No

View Cost Adjustment Activity in the Position Viewer Tool

Before the cost adjustment was made, the position had a current cost local value of $20.000.00.

With the "increase in basis" adjustment of $555.00, the cost is adjusted to $20.555.00. You can view the cost adjustment activity on the Open Adjustments tab of the Cost object within the Position Viewer tool.