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Accounting Journal Report

Month End Trial Balance Report? or Trial Balance report with Month End Date?

When you use month end processing, you can use the Accounting Journal Report. You can run the Accounting Journal report by setting the Report Type to Month End Date, and by specifying a value for the Month End Date field and the Month End Report Start Date field.

The month end General Ledger Accounting Journal details the month end activity. This report takes the transactions from the daily period (where the daily period is equal to the month end period) and includes any as-of transactions for the Month End Period Date queried. The report also includes month end activity that has been virtually allocated.

WRITERS NOTE: per the V5.5 release note, there was a separate Month End General Ledger Accounting Journal ? or Accounting Journal with Month End Date? report panel. Assume that the regular Accounting Journal panel was updated to incorporate this V5.5 behavior.

Potential as of Ledger Activity Report

When you use month end processing, you can use the Potential as of Ledger Activity report. The Potential as of Ledger Activity report can identify any potential as of activity after the month end close date. For more information about the report and how to set it up, see Monitor Potential As-Of Activity.

Trial Balance Report

When you use month end processing, you can use the Trial Balance report. You can run the Trial Balance report by setting the Report Type to Month End Date, and by specifying a value for the Month End Date field.

The month end Trial Balance Report details the ledger balances for the Month End Date queried. The report derives the Month End Ledger Balances by combining the ledger balances from the daily period and the ledger balances from the Monthly Ledger Balance table. Any month end ledger balances that are virtually allocated are also included in the report.

WRITERS NOTE: per the V5.5 release note, there was a separate Month End Trial Balance panel. Assume that the regular Trial Balance Report panel was updated and now incorporates this V5.5 behavior.

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