Manage Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule
In the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace, you can create asset mix policies and fee schedules for entities. This data is stored in the POLICY, POLICY_DETAIL, POLICY_RATES, and POLICY_MAP tables in RULESDBO.
Asset Mix Policy
Asset Mix Policies are primarily used to create an asset mix that is applied to an entity. When a report is run for an entity, in the report viewer you can see the differences between the target asset mix and the actual asset mix.
The first step in creating an asset mix policy is to assign rates to the values that you desire, for example, 40 percent Domestic Equities, 30 percent Domestic Fixed Income Securities, and 30 percent Domestic Short‐Term Securities. Next, inference fields are built to compare your target percentages (40 percent, 30 percent, and 30 percent) to your actual percentages when the report is run.
Users can assign the asset mix policy to entities. The management of asset mix policies is done via the Asset Mix Policy dialog.
Create Asset Mix Policies
In the Asset Mix Policy dialog, you can create a new asset mix policy.
To create an asset mix policy:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Asset Mix Policy link.
You see the Asset Mix Policy dialog.Click Add to add a new asset mix policy.
You see the Compliance Rule dialog.Type a name for the asset mix policy in the Policy Name box.
Type comments about the policy, if any, in the Comments box.
Click the Compliance Field list to select a required compliance field for the policy.
You see the Select Fields dialog.You can select any one of the three options to select a Compliance Field.
- Simple. Fields that are not internal and that have a Translation Code specified. Fields without a Translation Code are hidden.
- Dictionaries. Any existing PACE dictionary that is not reserved for performance measurement and also you can use regular dictionaries.
- Guidelines. You can also use any guidelines that already exist to set up a new asset mix policy.After the Compliance Field is selected, all code values attached to the Translation Code are displayed, allowing you to populate the appropriate values for the asset mix policy.
Note: Only Asset Policy type field attributes appear as columns in the grid.Click the AsOf date to select an effective date for the asset mix policy. The AsOf date is the date as of which the asset mix policy is effective.
By default, the current date is displayed as the As Of date.Click Save to save the asset mix policy.
The system displays the created policy in the Asset Mix Policy dialog.
Edit Asset Mix Policies
In the Asset Mix Policy dialog, you can edit an already existing asset mix policy.
To edit an asset mix policy:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Asset Mix Policy link.
You see the Asset Mix Policy dialog.Select the asset mix policy you want to edit and click the Edit link.
You see the Compliance Rule dialog.Make the appropriate changes, as required.
Click Save to save the changes.
The system modifies the asset mix policy and lists it in the Asset Mix Policy dialog.
Delete Asset Mix Policies
In the Asset Mix Policy dialog, you can delete an asset mix policy.
To delete an asset mix policy:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Asset Mix Policy link.
You see the Asset Mix Policy dialog.Select the asset mix policy you want to delete and click the Delete link.
You see the confirmation message to confirm deletion.Click Yes to delete the asset mix policy.
Note: You cannot delete an asset mix policy assigned to an entity.
Assign Asset Mix Policies
In the Asset Mix Policy dialog, you can assign the entities to asset mix policy.
To assign asset mix policy:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Asset Mix Policy link.
You see the Asset Mix Policy dialog.Select the asset mix policy you want to assign.
Click Assign/Remove link.
You see the Assign/Remove Entities for Asset Mix Policy dialog.Select the entities you want to assign from the Entity Selection grid.
Click Add to add the entities to the selected asset mix policy.
To load all the entities, you can click Clear to clear the filter criteria.Click OK to assign the entities to the asset mix policy.
Fee Schedule
PDC allows the user to add fee schedule as an attribute to the entity. Calculation of fee returns falls into two basic categories: fee rates and fee amounts. The fee rates are simply subtracted from the gross return while the fee amounts are simply added into the numerator of the basic return calculation (assuming the fee is a negative number). Each of these simple methods assumes that the fee is already calculated as a fee rate and loaded into the data warehouse as an entity attribute.
The Fee Schedule link allows you to add, edit, delete and assign a fee schedule to a portfolio or a Composite entity.
Create Fee Schedules
In the Fee Schedule dialog, you can create new fee schedules.
To create fee schedules:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Fee Schedule link.
You see the Fee Schedule dialog.Click Add to add a new fee schedule.
You see the Add Fee Schedule Rule dialog.Type the name of the fee schedule in the Name box.
Type the comments about the fee schedule, if any, in the Comments box.
Click Fields link to set up fee schedule fields, if they are not already defined in Fee Schedule grid.
Note: Only Fee Schedule type field attributes appear as columns in the grid.Click Add to add a fee schedule for a specific effective date.
Click the Effective date list to select the required effective date.
By default, the current date is displayed as the effective date.You need to specify the fee schedule fields with appropriate values, as required for the fee schedule.
You can one or more fee schedules, as required.Click OK to save the fee schedule.
The system creates the fee schedule and lists it in the Fee Schedule dialog.
Edit Fee Schedules
In the Fee Schedule dialog, you can edit an already existing fee schedule.
To edit a fee schedule:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Fee Schedule link.
You see the Fee Schedule dialog.Select the fee schedule you want to edit and click the Edit link.
You see the Edit Fee Schedule Rule dialog.Make the appropriate changes, as required.
Click Save to save the changes.
The system modifies the fee schedule and lists it in the Fee Schedule dialog.
Delete Fee Schedules
In the Fee Schedule dialog, you can delete a fee schedule.
To delete a fee schedule
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Fee Schedule link.
You see the Fee Schedule dialog.Select the fee schedule you want to delete and click the Delete link.
You see the confirmation message to confirm deletion.Click Yes to delete the fee schedule.
Note: You cannot delete a fee schedule assigned to an entity.
Assign Fee Schedules
In the Fee Schedule dialog, you can assign the fee schedule to an entity.
To assign fee schedule:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Setup > Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule.
You see the Asset Mix Policy and Fee Schedule workspace.Select the Fee Schedule link.
You see the Fee Schedule dialog.Select the fee schedule you want to assign.
Click Assign/Remove link.
You see the Assign/Remove Entities for Fee Schedule dialog.Select the entities you want to assign from the Entity Selection grid.
Click Add to add the entities to the selected fee schedule.
To load all the entities, you can click Clear to clear the filter criteria.Click OK to assign the entities to the fee schedule.
Note: You cannot assign more than one fee schedule to an entity. An entity must associate with only one fee schedule.