June 29th, 2023 EagleML Release
ADDED to the schema:
eagleml-entity-shared-2-0.xsd: the follosing elements have been added to the EntityExtension.model group:
The group PriceConversionFxSource.model has been added with the priceConversionFxSource element
The group PriceConversionFxRate.model has been added with the priceConversionFxRate element
The following groups have been added to the IssuePcPrice.model:
The type of the element fromCurrency has been changed to AssetIdentifiersWithSecTypesModel
The type of the element toCurrency has been changed to AssetIdentifiersWithSecTypesModel
CHANGED in the schema:
The element priceConversionFxSource has been replaced by the group PriceConversionFxSource.model in the PriceConversion.model group
The element priceConversionFxRate has been replaced by the group PriceConversionFxRate.model in the PriceConversion.model groupeagleml-sec-shared-2-0.xsd: complex type UnderlyingAssetIdentifiersModel renamed to AssetIdentifiersWithSecTypesModel and moved to eagleml-shared-2-0.xsd
all links were corrected.
...and also elements annotations have been updated.