About the Security Ratings Default Message Stream

The Security Ratings default message stream allows the ratings source to be added to the INTERFACES_DETAIL table, and the ratings values to be set up in the Code Value table for the source stream code category.

Ratings are loaded using the following streams:

  • eagle_default_in_csv_ratings

  • eagle_default_in_star_ratings

When setting up the codes in the Code Value table, the Code Value (tag 1176) must be the Numeric Ratings value, and the Code Value Description (tag 1177) must be the Alpha Rating.

You must set Event Type (tag 55) to RATINGS to process transactions using this stream.

For the data file, either the numeric or the alpha value may be sent, it is not necessary to send both. The system performs an insert if no value is found for the Ratings Source, Date, and CUSIP combination. If a value is found, this value overlays the record.

Sample records, required data fields, as well as panels, binds, and stored procedures for the Security Ratings stream are described in the following pages.

To review the results of processing in the database, use the List Security Ratings query or Issue Viewer under the Reference category in Eagle Accounting.