Set the Eagle Version via Message Center Rules

The Eagle product version value is stored in the PACE_MASTERDBO.EAGLE_PRODUCT_VERSION database table. This version is used by the EagleML w_config. inc file.

Each of its parts has a specific meaning. For example, “” is interpreted as follows:

  • 13 - major version number
  • 0 -   minor version number
  • 1 -   revision number
  • 2 -   build number

There are two ways to set Eagle version:

Send an XML Message to Retrieve Eagle Version (Automated Method)

After you have checked that the streams are enabled in the environment, drop the following XML message into the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_w_setup stream:

 Click here to expand...
<EagleML xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" eaglemlVersion="2-0" eaglemlType="ReferenceTransactionMessage" xsi:schemaLocation=" eagleml-main-2-0.xsd" xsi:type="ReferenceTransactionMessage">


This message can also be found and copied from the eagle_ml-2-0_cm/in/xml/w_setup_eagle_version.xml file in the corresponding commented section.

As a result, the Message Center will create or update (if it already exists) the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/ file. This file is included to file overwriting “g_EagleML20_Version” and “g_EagleML20_Revision” variables.

Including can be switched off in the file - this option is set by adding REQUIRED="NO" attribute in the corresponding code block in

<!-- EagleML-2-0 Rules Version and Revision -->
<COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Version" EXPRESSION="'13.0'"/>
<COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Revision" EXPRESSION="'1'"/>
   CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Version','13.0');
   CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Revision','1');
   CreateVariable( 'g_ConcurrentPRF',iif(:g_EagleML20_Version: &gt;= '12.1.2','1','0') );
   :g_bNoSubprocesACK: := '1';


/eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/ is NOT migrated from one box to another. This step should be performed individually for each box where it is required.

Validation Checks

The w_setup_eagle_version.xml rule contains several validation checks for the version value retrieved from DB, including:

  • the “empty check” - validates version value by checking the zero-length of its all parts, major version, minor version, revision number, build number;
  • the “numeric check” - validates version value by checking the “isNumeric” function for each of its parts, that is major version, minor version, revision number, build number;
  • the “different format check” - validates version by checking the “Year format”. For example, some boxes contain the version value in DB as “2015.1.0.1” and it will not pass this check.

If any of these checks fails, the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/ file will have its contents erased and MC will display the following warning:

File "" has been erased because of empty or wrong version format! Please set eagle version manually in file!

Validation checks error

In addition, the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_w_setup stream will fail on EditCheck validation.

In this case the developer has to set Eagle version manually in the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/ file in the following code block:

<!-- EagleML-2-0 Rules Version and Revision -->                                               
<COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Version" EXPRESSION="'13.0'"/>
<COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Revision" EXPRESSION="'1'"/>
   CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Version','13.0');
   CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Revision','1');

Edit the Configuration File to Set Eagle Version (Manual Method)

Open Eagle Message Center Editor (MCE).

To set the Eagle version manually:

  1. Check Eagle version in MCE. Go to Help -> About

    A pop-up window with Eagle version will appear.

    Only the digits are relevant. 
    Eagle_2015.2.3.0 is translated as "Eagle version is 15.2, revision 3".

  2. In Message Center Editor expand the Message Center Rules section on the left. Find and open eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm folder.
  3. If there is no file, you will have to create it yourself. 
    If the file is already inside, open it and go to step 6.
  4. Right click on eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm folder and select New -> File...

  5. Select Include and press OK.

  6. Copy the following code into your new include file:

    <!-- EagleML-2-0 Rules Version and Revision -->
    <COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Version" EXPRESSION="'15.2'"/>
    <COL TAG="g_EagleML20_Revision" EXPRESSION="'3'"/>
       CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Version','15.2');
       CreateVariable( 'g_EagleML20_Revision','3');
  7.  Press Save.

  8. Name your file as and press OK.

  9. Reinitialize Message Center cache.