Use Hash Check Sum to Verify EagleML Data Loads

EagleML Hash Check Sum is an optional process which allows to ensure data integrity of data loaded. The idea here is to perform a checksum on the entire payload, not to use a designated column with a numeric value. Eagle identifies the default checksum/hash utility and runs it on UNIX or Windows.

Algorithm and Utilities

EagleML Hash Check Sum uses SHA256 (SHA-2) algorithm.

Unix - sha256sum command from CoreUtilities packet
Windows - certUtil tool with -hashfile command


  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/acquire_data_files.xml
  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/tagvalue/execute_wrkfl_event.xml
  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/out/xml/task_reporter.xml
  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/unpacker/t_wrf_unzip_t.xml
  • eagle_ml-2-0_cm/


  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_acquire_data
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_execwkfl
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_unpacker_exec
  • eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_task_reporter

Hash Sum Calculation

EagleML uses include to calculate the hash sum with SHA-2 algorithm. When the hash sum is resolved, utility returns it either in format for UNIX:

53ddd800a3ef24a55414bd607d995fe121836375b71ecbeb9d8d0eba710cce4f SMF.xml

or for Windows:

SHA256 file hash of SMF.xml:
CertUtil: -hashfile - the comand executed with success

Input parameters:

Output parameters:

Scenarios of Hash Sum Checks Applied to EagleML Data Loads