{ "Region": "Oracle SID of the region", /*Region name for which this config was defined */ "Connections": [ { "ConnectionName": "my.activemq.connection", /* name of ActiveMQ connection */ "ComponentName": "eagle-amq", /* name of component */ "Parameters": { "brokerURL": "tcp://*****", /* connection url */ "password": "your encrypted password", /* optional: sets the JMS password used for connections */ "userName": "user name", /* optional: sets the JMS userName used by connections */ "clientID": "Client ID" /* optional: sets the JMS clientID to use for the created connection */ } } ] }
To add additional parameters/properties (it is not URI parameters of JMS component):
- go to official ActiveMQ documentation (ActiveMQConnectionFactory)
- choose public methods whose names start from set**() and accept one single parameter (String, int, long or short type)
- set prefix in the name can be omitted