EagleML Processing Options Explained
EagleML supports RTR level options that may be applied during execution time or set as a Global parameter in the w_custom_config.inc. These “processingOptions” provide the user with opt-in controls to manage and configure processes. Each option is often Load specific (e.g. GenericSMF).
Examples of usage
Example of the processingOptions usage
</header> |
Example of the Global Parameter usage within the w_config_custom
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On this page
- 1 Examples of usage
- 2 GenericSMF Processing Options
- 3 UnderlyingSMF Processing Options
- 4 GenericEntity Processing Options
- 5 IssuerRole Processing Options
- 6 IssuerRelationship Processing Options
- 7 AccountingTrade Processing Options
- 8 MultipleLegAccountingTrade Processing Options
- 9 LedgerPostingDualEntry Processing Options
- 10 AccountingCA Processing Options
- 11 IssueVariableRate Processing Options
- 12 PriceClassification Processing Options
- 13 Rating Processing Options
- 14 Schedule Processing Options
- 15 User Processing Options
- 16 IssuePrice Processing Options
- 17 ExchangePrice Processing Options
- 18 IssuePcPrice Processing Options
- 19 IssuerOrganization Processing Options
- 20 VoluntaryCAElection Processing Options
- 21 Other Processing Options
GenericSMF Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
SEC_SHELL_RECORD_ONLY | W_SEC_SHELL_RECORD_ONLY | GenericSMF | By default, during initial load the tag 1257 (HISTORY ONLY) is not sent to the Stored Procedure even when it is populated in incoming file. As a result, the data is loaded into the master table fully. The option allows load initial security in History mode, as a result only specific list of tags will be inserted into master table. |
BATCH_BY_SCHEDULE_TYPE | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | By default, Schedule records are deleted by the key SRC_INTFC_INST + SECURITY_ALIAS via scripts DELETE_SCH_BATCH and DELETE_CPA_BATCH. This option includes the scheduleType element into the key for the delete process from two tables: SECURITYDBO.SCHEDULE and TRADESDBO.CORP_ACT_HIST. It also maintains previously loaded records with different scheduleType types in the database. The additional Key supported for delete is SRC_INTFC_INST + SECURITY_ALIAS + scheduleType |
ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | Enables batch mode (also enables ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE, USE_LATEST_START_DATE by default) . |
ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | Prevents delete of existing records that preserves history about previous ownership |
USE_LATEST_START_DATE | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | Finds the latest start date in the incoming message and uses it for each incoming record as the start date. |
DIRECT_ISSUER_ROLE_OPTIONS | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | Counter-flag for ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING, allows to set options directly. |
ISSUER_ROLE_PROCESSING_TYPE | - | GenericSMF (SMF MI) | Set as ISSUER_ROLE_PROCESSING_TYPE_I()__PROCESSING_TYPE where in I() you should set Issuer Role types which you want to be loaded in certain mode. |
APPLY_DIRECT_MAPPING | - | GenericSMF | This option allows to not replace empty value in one model by not empty value from another model. Only for SP mode. (accountingValidationFlag = 'N') For now, this option works with:
DISABLE_HOLDINGS_EDITCHECK | W_SEC_DISABLE_HOLDINGS_EDITCHECK | GenericSMF | If the PACE Holding exists for the Security record, then the fields: Asset Currency/tag85, Quantity Type/tag12, Price Multiplier/tag18 and Quantity Scale/tag19 may not be updated for this Security and the Error is shown. This option allows to turn off Error and show Warning instead in case of existing PACE Holdings |
GLOBAL_SWITCH | GLOBAL_SWITCH | GenericSMF, MultilegSMF | If incoming message includes xreferences with numbers greater than 10, EagleML can remap them into xIds with lower number consecutive with regular ones. This changes avaliable for genericSMF and multilegSMF both on MC and MC2 engines. |
REPLACE_WITH_XID | W_REPLACE_WITH_XID | GenericSMF | Allows to map xreference with specific names (e.g. ISIN, SEDOL) to related xml tag. For example, TICKER may be loaded into XREF table only with <ticker>VALUE</ticker> node, but with this option it may take value from xref block |
UnderlyingSMF Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
UNIQUE_RECORD_PER_UNDERLYING_TYPE | W_UNDERLYINGSMF_UNIQUE_RECORD_PER_TYPE_SWITCH | UnderlyingSMF | The option with the following logic while loading Underlying SMF: This option may be used independently or in combination with the W_UNDERLYINGSMF_DELETE_REINSERT_SWITCH.
UNDERLYING_UPSERT_MODE | - | UnderlyingSMF | Batch Underlying Load process deletes all existing Underlying records with the following key: security + underlying type and after that loads incoming records. Processing option UNDERLYING_UPSERT_MODE allows to avoid delete step for Batch Underlying Load process. |
GenericEntity Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
USE_GUID_AUTO_GEN_ENTITY_ID | W_USE_GUID_AUTO_GEN_ENTITY_ID | GenericEntity | Enables a “GUID” method to generate a unique dummy entity id. It will generate and return a combination of eight alphanumeric characters. An additional check will be executed that checks the uniqueness of this combination in the DB using the entity lookup. If it is not unique, then a new combination will be generated. |
IssuerRole Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING | - | IssuerRole | Enables batch mode (also enables ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE, USE_LATEST_START_DATE by default) . |
ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE | - | IssuerRole | Prevents delete of existing records that preserves history about previous ownership |
USE_LATEST_START_DATE | - | IssuerRole | Finds the latest start date in the incoming message and uses it for each incoming record as the start date. |
DIRECT_ISSUER_ROLE_OPTIONS | - | IssuerRole | Counter-flag for ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING, allows to set options directly. |
ISSUER_ROLE_PROCESSING_TYPE | - | IssuerRole | Set as ISSUER_ROLE_PROCESSING_TYPE_I()__PROCESSING_TYPE where in I() you should set Issuer Role types which you want to be loaded in certain mode. |
DISABLE_ENDDATE_DERIVING | W_ISSUE_ROLE_DISABLE_ENDDATE_DERIVING | IssuerRole | This option changes issuer role processing logic to work in the following way:
Such approach allows to create open records with a different start date and automatically close open records with a set end date. W_ISSUER_ROLE_USE_DB_START_DATE config parameter allows to take startDate from DB, not from the incoming file - and to avoid overwriting startDate column |
IssuerRelationship Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_EXIST_CHECK_MODE | W_ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_SKIP_IF_EXIST_CHECK | IssuerRelationship | The option only works with the skipIfExistFlag flag:
ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_HISTORY_MODE | W_ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP_GENERATE_HISTORY_RECORDS | IssuerRelationship | The Issuer Relationship history mode allows emulating period by period ownership information in the SECURITYDBO.ISSUER_RELATIONSHIP for each record based on the key SOURCE + FROM ISSUER + ROLE TYPE. Periods will be processed based on an effective date. |
ISSUER_BUILD_COMPLIANT_SWITCH | W_ISSUER_BUILD_COMPLIANT_SWITCH | IssuerRelationship | The option provides the ability to identify and delete records for the following KEY: ROLE TYPE + SOURCE + FROM ISSUER if the <fromIssuer> and <toIssuer> are the same in the incoming file or the <toIssuer> is Null. |
AccountingTrade Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
ALLOW_PRINCIPAL_CHECK | W_ACCTTRADE_ALLOW_PRINCIPAL_CHECK | AccountingTrade | Enables the Principal Check logic. Example: |
PRINCIPAL_CHECK_TOLERANCE_VALUE | W_ACCTTRADE_TOLERANCE_VALUE | AccountingTrade | An additional processing option for ALLOW_PRINCIPAL_CHECK that adds the Tolerance value. Example: |
MultipleLegAccountingTrade Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
SINGLE_LEG_PANEL | - | MultipleLegAccountingTrade | Enable the feature to book Single-row IRS and TRS trades. |
LedgerPostingDualEntry Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
USE_PRIOR_FX_RATE | - | LedgerPostingDualEntry | This option indicates to use the prior FX Rate before the accounting date (accountingDate). The message will retrieve the most recent FX Rate and use the returned value in the posting. |
AccountingCA Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
CA_TRANS_TYPE_TWINS | W_CA_TRANS_TYPE_TWINS | AccountingCA | If this option is specified and the CA Transaction Type is CASHDIV or ROC, then additional logic is enabled which will trigger a set of lookups to search for a TWIN CA records based on the following parameters: If a twin CA record is found, check the Cp Status (tag 54). |
USE_TOASSET_CHECK | W_GENERICCA_IGNORE_EDITCHECK302 | AccountingCA | By default, the message is not failed if tag 302 is not resolved and throws only a WARNING. If tag 302 is not resolved, you can choose to fail such messages by setting this option. |
IssueVariableRate Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
VARRATE_TRUE_REBOOK | W_VARRATE_TRUE_REBOOK | IssueVariableRate | Enable a check to see if the record exists prior to processing and if already exists, to ignore the message and maintain the existing Variable Rate information. If the Variable Rate data is loaded for a second time without changes, then the database check logic will ignore the message. |
PriceClassification Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
PRICECLASSIFICATION_TRUE_REBOOK | W_PRICECLASSIFICATION_TRUE_REBOOK | PriceClassification | Enable a check to see if the record exists prior to processing and if already exists, to ignore the message. |
Rating Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
SKIP_UNCHANGED_RATING | - | Rating | The logic for the Rating inserts a new record when both the effective date and the Rating are different than the existing values in the database. The logic checks if the latest rating record (highest effective date) for the same key (Security + Issue Name + Source) has a different alpha rating or the same rating. If the new record matches the existing alpha rating, the record is skipped, otherwise a new record is created. |
Schedule Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
SCHEDULE_TRUE_REBOOK | W_SCHEDULE_TRUE_REBOOK | Schedule | Enable rebook logic that will check if a record exists prior to the load. The comparison logic includes the list of fields that will be validated in order to skip a record update: Schedule type dependent fields: |
SINK_MANAGER | - | Schedule (SINK) | Special option for SINK Schedules to be processed by eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_sink_schd_manager stream. You should have Eagle Core version higher than 2017 R2.43 or have a table SECURITYDBO.SINK_SCHEDULE_KEYS and use global option to skip version check W_SKIP_SINK_SCHEDULE_MANAGER_VERSION_CHECK. |
User Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
REINSERT | - | User | Enable User update in REINSERT mode. In this mode, all Center and PACE roles are removed from the user and assigned only roles from the incoming User file. |
IssuePrice Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | IssuePrice | By default, SWAP resolution for prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. The option allows to switch on SWAP resolution based on xreferences, ignoring PST. |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | IssuePrice | SWAP resolution for Issue Prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. This option was added to support SWAP resolution based on Primary Asset Id and Pay Receive Indicator. |
ExchangePrice Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | ExchangePrice | By default, SWAP resolution for prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. The option allows to switch on SWAP resolution based on xreferences, ignoring PST. |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | ExchangePrice | SWAP resolution for Exchange Prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. This option was added to support SWAP resolution based on Primary Asset Id and Pay Receive Indicator. |
IssuePcPrice Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_XREF | IssuePcPrice | By default, SWAP resolution for prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. The option allows to switch on SWAP resolution based on xreferences, ignoring PST. |
PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | W_PRICE_RESOLVE_SW_BY_PAYRECIND | IssuePcPrice | SWAP resolution for Issue PC Prices has specific logic based on Processing Security Type and only one leg could be priced. This option was added to support SWAP resolution based on Primary Asset Id and Pay Receive Indicator. |
IssuerOrganization Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
| IssuerOrganization IssuerAnalytic | By default, IssuerId converted to uppercase for resolution and load. |
VoluntaryCAElection Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
USE_ENTITY_BANK_ALIAS | - | voluntaryCAElection | The processing option is used to verify the entity bank alias element is provided in the load |
Other Processing Options
Option Name | Global Parameter | Supported EagleML Objects | Description |
ENABLE_TSR_LOGGING | - | All | The feature to display the TSR is optional. The TSR will be displayed in case the ENABLE_TSR_LOGGING flag is set in <processingOptions> for the payload message, or if the EnableTSRLogging task parameter is set to 'Y' in RTR, or if the process fails. |