Use the options on the Maintain Batches window to create and maintain batches.
Option | Description |
Sort | Right click a column header and select Show in Groups to group columns. To determine the columns available for grouping, right click a column header and select Sort Multiple Columns. The Sort Multiple Columns dialog box shows which columns are available for grouping. You can also sort multiple groups. |
Current Filters | Click the link next to Current Filters. You see the Filter Maintain Batches dialog box which contains the following options:
Preview Distributions Link | Displays the Select Batch Date dialog box. On this dialog box, you can specify a report end date and preview batch distributions via the Batch Distribution Preview dialog box. Information includes client/contact names, advanced report profiles, variations, communication types and values, file formats, distribution categories, and entity names. You can also preview batch distributions when editing a batch. |
Configure Link | Displays the Configure dialog box. On this dialog box, you can select a custom view, filter batches by entity, client, and hybrid batch mode, group batches by categories, hide contacts from the Batch Override dialog box, default ad hoc batch submissions to the prior month end, control the number of items displayed on the page, set a start up view, save your most recent settings, enable the troubleshooting page, reset all settings, and set print options. |
Quick Links Menu | Displays a list of options that provide quick access to:
Search Menu | You can perform a text search or use the Search menu. To perform a text search, enter the text or string in the Search field, located next to the Search menu, and click Enter. Client Reporting searches through the information on the Maintain Batches window for a match. If a match is found, the row is highlighted. To use the Search menu, click the arrow on the Search menu. The Search menu displays the following options:
Create New Batch Link | Displays the Create New Batch dialog box, where you can define the entities and clients you want in the batch, schedule the batch, and select the reporting packages you want to run for each month of the year. See Create a Batch for more information. |
Edit Batch Link | Displays the Edit Batch dialog box. On this dialog box, you can modify information for the selected batch. For example, you can add or remove the entities or clients in an existing batch, change the time of a schedule, create or edit a batch due date, create or edit a batch notification list, and add and remove a reporting package for the selected batch. |
View Batch Link | Displays the View Batch dialog box. On this dialog box you can view batch definitions, schedule information, and reporting packages for the selected batch. |
Copy Batch Link | Displays the Copy Batch dialog box, which allows you to copy the selected batch. Enter the new name and click OK. The new batch appears on the Maintain Batches window. |
Delete Batch Link | Click to delete one or more selected batches. To delete a batch, select the batch and click Delete Batch. Or right click and select Delete Batch from the popup menu. Click Yes to delete the selected batch. |
Submit Batch Link | Displays the Submit Batch dialog box, where you can submit the selected batch on an ad hoc basis for the specified report start and end dates. You can specify a due date, override the batch log level, submit the ad hoc batch as a scheduled event, and run the event as a high priority. See Submit an Ad Hoc Batch for more information. |
Print Link | Displays the Print dialog box, where you can print the list of batches on the Maintain Batches window. |
Refresh Link | Refreshes the data on the Maintain Batches window, including search criteria. |
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