Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments

Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments

You can cancel a single trade or multiple trades for a private equity fund. 

Cancel a Single Trade for Private Equity

In the Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments panel, you can cancel a single trade for a private equity fund. If you need to cancel the initial commitment for a private equity position (LPOPEN event), first cancel all subsequent activity for the position. 

If you track pending transaction activity, be aware that you can set up pending trade rules that determine how the system handles automated and manual trade cancellations within the pending trades workflow. 

Be aware that you cannot use the Cancel & Rebook Trade tool to cancel trades booked for private equity funds and rebook those transactions. 

To cancel a single trade for private equity:

  1. In the Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Trades > Cancel Trade > Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments.
    You see the Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments panel.

  2. Under Entity Information, select the entity and accounting basis for the trade you want to cancel. 

  3. Under Issue Information, enter the issue-level criteria for the trade you want to cancel. 
    You can specify criteria to search for a security such as issue Issue Name/Ticker/Cross Reference ID, Event ID, or Target Trade Ticket Number, along with a date range. The lookup only returns securities held by the entity.

  4. Under Fund Investment Information, choose the trade you want to cancel.  
    The Choose Transaction to Cancel lookup displays all trades booked for the security you selected.

  5. You can modify the Cancel Accounting Date value.
    If you cancel a settled trade, the system automatically cancels the settlement of that trade using the Rollback and Replay process.

  6. You can specify a comment about the cancellation in the Transaction Notes field. 

  7. Click Submit.

Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments Panel Options

The following are the options in the Cancel Capital or Share Based Fund Investments panel. 







Entity Information



Entity ID


Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Entity Name


Specifies the name of the entity.

Base Currency


Displays the base currency of the entity.

Accounting Basis


Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity. Options include:

  • GAAP. The system is set up in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. This is the most common basis.

  • IFRS. The system is set up in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

  • STAT. The system is set up for use with statutory insurance.

  • USTAX. Default. The system is set up in accordance with domestic tax regulations.

Issue Information



Cancel Trade By


Specifies the security identifier for the trade you want to cancel. Additional options are displayed based on your selection. Options include:

  • Issuer Name/Ticker/Xref ID

  • Target Event ID

  • Target Trade Ticket Number

Event Type


Displays the business intent of the event. For example, CANCEL.

Begin Date


Defines the begin date.

End Date


Defines the end date.

Long/Short Indicator


Displays whether the position is long or short.

Cross Reference Type


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Issue Name/Ticker/Xref, specifies the cross reference type associated with the security.

Issue Name


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Issue Name/Ticker/Xref, specifies the name of the security.



If you set Cancel Transaction By to Issue Name/Ticker/Xref, specifies the trade ticker of the security.

Cross Reference ID


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Issue Name/Ticker/Xref, specifies the security identifier.

Instrument Type


Displays the type of instrument.

Security Type


Displays the type of security.

Processing Security Type


Displays the processing security type.

Issue Currency


Displays the local currency of the security.

Event ID


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Event ID, specifies the event ID. 

Target Trade Ticket Number


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Target Trade Ticket Number, specifies the trade ticket identification number of the target trade. . 

Fund Investment Information



Choose Trade to Cancel


If you set Cancel Transaction By to Issue Name/Ticker/Xref, identifies the trade that you want to cancel. The lookup displays all trades booked for the security by Original Event and Trade Date.

Cancel Effective Date


Displays the cancel effective date.

Cancel Accounting Date


Specifies the cancel accounting date.

Cancel Monthly Accounting Date


Displays the cancel monthly accounting date.

Original Accounting Date


Displays the original accounting date.

Original Monthly Accounting Date


Displays the original monthly accounting date.

Target Event Type


Displays the target event type.



Displays the quantity.

Cost Local


Displays the local net amount.

Cost Base


Displays the base net amount. 

Cash Amount Local


Displays the settlement cash amount of the trade.

Target Event ID


Displays the target event ID.

Other Information



Transaction Notes


Specifies notes about the transaction.

Cancel a Batch of Trades for Private Equity

You can cancel a batch of trades for a private equity fund for a selected entity/security grouping using the Batch Cancel Trade panel. The system allows you to cancel multiple private equity transactions at the same time with the exception of LPOPEN events for initial funding and LPCLOSE events for closing the position. 

If you use the Multiple Calls/Cash panel to submit a set of transactions for a private equity fund, you can use the Batch Cancel Trade panel to cancel that set of transactions. You can use the Batch Identifier (tag 701) field to identify the set of trades you want to cancel.