Customize the Diagnostics Workspace

Customize the Diagnostics Workspace

In the Diagnostics workspace, you can customize how query information and report results information is displayed, arranged, and grouped.

To customize the Diagnostics workspace:

  1. In the Diagnostics workspace, click the arrow to the right of the column header to sort query data in ascending or descending order.

    Diagnostics Workspace
  2. To change the location of a query column, click the column header and drag and drop it from its original location to the new location.

  3. To group query data by a specific column, click the column header and drag it to the Drag a column here to group blue area.

    Queries window
  4. For query data and report results data, click the three red lines in the top row of the first column to select which columns are displayed, manage how columns are displayed, manage filters, and restore defaults.

    Query screen - Columns
  5. To rearrange the column order, click More on the Columns drop down.
    You see the Columns dialog box.

  6. In the Columns dialog box:
    - Click Add to add a column or click Remove to remove a column.
    - In the Selected Columns pane, click the column header that you want to move up or down and click the the Up or Down arrow.
    - Click OK to save your changes.