Loading Entity Reference Data

Loading Entity Reference Data

Portfolio Data Center is a centralized component which empowers business users to build, maintain and evaluate entity reference data according to an exception based workflow.

This exception-based workflow is built on an automated rules processing engine to ensure data quality, efficiency and reduce risk of manual errors. Below is a very high-level summary of the PDC workflow. 

  • Entity reference data is first loaded into the entity history tables

  • PDC processing is triggered (manually or scheduled)

  • Exceptions and pending authorizations are displayed to the user in the Summary window

  • When all exceptions have passed, then the data is committed to the master tables

  • Once all field-level authorizations are accepted, the entity release status is updated to the highest release level that has met all conditions for validations and authorizations.

  • Entity-level authorizations will finalize the entity release status to “Complete”, once all field-level authorizations have been resolved. If there are no authorizations, and all validations have passed, then the entity release status will be updated to “Complete”.

In order to adopt PDC workflow and proper processing, the following message streams are updated.

  • Stream Name for CSV - eagle_default_in_csv_entity. This update is available from 2017R2 version.

  • Stream Name for EagleML - eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_entity. This update is available from 2017R2.8 version.

  • Underlying rule set file: xml-ent_entitygeneric.xml

To properly utilize this stream when working with PDC, incoming records must have the value for 'Tag 989 = PDC'This ensures that, for entities that existed previously, new incoming history records will not overwrite the master record. Keeping in mind that once the first run of a policy in PDC is triggered, an entities master record will be maintained by PDC only (where validations, authorizations, and release levels are processed).

In prior versions, the stream used this field as a switch for loading entity historical data but in direct contrast to the PDC data governance model. If tag 989 it is set to HISTORY_ONLY the procedure will check for a record in the ENTITY_HIST table with an effective date greater than the value in tag 1109. If a match is found, the incoming record will be stored in the ENTITY_HIST table only. If no match is found both the ENTITY and ENTITY_HIST tables will be populated.

Hints and Tips

The following are best practice rules and guidance for loading entity reference data.

  • Data uploader files must contain ALL relevant entity reference data points for EACH data upload by effective date.

  • Processing does not support or recognize deltas-only on incoming files. Any missing data points are considered NULL values during processing and will be stored in the database as such. Always consider that the most recent history effective date record should match the master record.

  • Processing does not support multiple effective date time stamps, that is having multiple records for a single effective date with different time-stamps.

Consideration of Accounting Portfolios

As of now, PDC is only fully supported for Data Management and Performance entities. For full-suite clients using Accounting, there may be some overlap of how certain entity reference data fields are maintained.

Please consider the following:

  • Accounting portfolios should continue to use the Accounting Portfolio panels. Located in both Accounting Center and Portfolio Data Center, PDC has links on the left NAV window for convenience.

  • Since PDC does not yet support accounting portfolios, clients should continue to use core entity streams but do NOT update the tag 989 = PDC, for their accounting data maintenance. Accounting panel processing still operates the same in v2017R2 as legacy prior versions.