Manage Issuer to Entity Relationships

Manage Issuer to Entity Relationships

Investment organizations often need to track the corporate issuers’ financial stability of which their investments are depend on. Given the prominence among credit failures of over-the-counter derivative contracts such as credit default swaps, investors have come to see counterparties in such contracts as a type of direct issuer as well for purposes of assessing default risk. Issuer entity analysis typically proceeds from the entity and 'branches out' to identify and describe those organizations who are responsible for fulfilling legal obligations arising from the entity’s issuance, both directly and indirectly. The 'indirect' issuers refer to the parent/grandparent/ organizations of those with direct responsibility. 

PDC allows you to create new issuer to entity relationships. Issuer to entity relationship data describes the relationship between the issuers and the entity.  PDC allows you to store the complete Issuer Parent-Child structure, including the direct and indirect relationships between issuers such as Child to Parent, Child to Grandparent, and Parent to Grand Parent. It also allows you to maintain a shadow ACOM for the Issuer, who are subjected to N-Port reporting. For example, in many firms a trust account (that owns securities or lays claim to underlying accounts that own securities) is legally considered as an issuer. So a trust can simultaneously be an account and an issuer. These kind of trust accounts are subjected to SEC N-Port reporting requirements.

The Issuer to Entity Relationship menu allows the Eagle’s reporting system to report on Issuer data as an Entity within OLAP reporting.

Create Issuer to Entity Relationships

PDC allows you to create new issuer to entity relationships.

Define the Issuer Details

In the Create New Issuer to Entity Relationship wizard's Issuer Details page, you can define the issuer details.

To define the issuer details:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, click Setup >  Issuer to Entity Relationship.
    You see the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace with the available list of relationships.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Create New. 
    You see the Create New Issuer to Entity Relationship wizard displaying the Issuer Details page.

  3. Click the Issuer list to select an issuer. Note: If you select an issuer, who already has a relationship with an entity, an alert message is thrown.
    You see the available list of issuers. 

  4. Once you select the Issuer, the corresponding Issuer Alias, NPort Entity Id, NPort Entity Name fields are auto-populated.
    When creating an Issuer, if the NPort flag is enabled, then the Issuer is set up as a shadow ACOM (performance composite) entity.
    - For the shadow ACOM entity, the NPort Entity ID is auto-generated with the prefix NP.
    - The Issuer ID is mapped as the NPort Entity Name for the shadow ACOM. 

  5. In the Issuer Relationship Details section, click the Entity ID list to select an entity which is linked to the entity (that is related to the issuer).
    You see the list of available entities. Based on the selected Entity ID, the system auto-populates the Entity Name.

  6. Click the Start Date drop-down to specify the start date of the entity, that is, from which date the entity is mapped to the Issuer.
    This is a mandatory field and by default it is auto-filled with the system’s current effective date.

  7. Click the Start Comments to provide the entry level comments about the entity, for example, Owner of the entity. This is a mandatory field

  8. Click the End Date drop-down to specify the end date of the entity, that is, at which date the entity is terminated or removed from the Issuer.

  9. Click the End Comments to provide the exit level comments about the entity, for example, Removed from the Issuer account.

  10. Enter the type of relationship the entity has with the Issuer in the Relationship Type box, for example, Child, Parent.
    This field allows you to enter not more than 20 characters.

  11. Enter the percentage ownership of each Parent-Child Issuer relationship in Percent Owned box.
    This value is stored in decimal format. For example, an ownership of 70% is stored as .70.

  12. Click Add  to add one or more entities to associate with the Issuer, as needed.

  13. Click Delete to remove the entities from the Issuer.

  14. Click Next.
    You see the Permissions page.

Provide the Permission

In the Create New Issuer to Entity Relationship wizard's Permission page, you can provide access to business groups who can use the issuer details.

To assign the issuer to entity relationship details:

  1. You see the Permission tab displaying the list of business groups which have access to Issuer details.

  2. Click the Business Groups list to select the user groups who can access the Issuer details.
    You see the available list of Business Groups. By default, business groups which have permission to access all Issuer details are shown selected. 

  3. Select one or more business groups to assign permission to use the Issuer details, as needed.
    You see the selected groups are added to the grid.

  4. Click Save & Close to save the issuer to entity relationship details.
    A confirmation message to confirm the successful creation of issuer relation is shown.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog.
    The system creates the issuer relation and lists it in the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace.

Edit Issuer to Entity Relationship

In the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace, you can edit the existing issuer relationships.

To edit issuer relationships:

  1. From the left navigation, click Setup Issuer to Entity Relationship.
    You see the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace with the available list of issuer relationships.

  2. Select the issuer relationship you want to edit from the workspace.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Edit.
    You see the Edit Issuer to Entity Relationship page. 

  4. Review the information, make the appropriate changes, and click Save & Close.
    The system modifies the issuer relationships and lists it in the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace.

Delete Issuer to Entity Relationship

In the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace, you can delete the issuer relationships.

To delete issuer relationships:

  1. From the left navigation, click Setup Issuer to Entity Relationship.
    You see the Issuer to Entity Relationship workspace with the available list of issuer relationships.

  2. Select the issuer relationship you want to delete from the workspace.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Delete.
    You see a Confirmation box asking you to confirm the deletion.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
    You see the issuer relationships no longer appears in the list of available issuer relationships.