Manage Validations

Manage Validations

In the PDC Validations workspace, you can create validations that raise errors and warning messages. Validations are logical statements whose function is to trigger an exception, in the form of an error message when the system resolves the logic as true. Validations ensure the quality of the composited data. For example, you can define a validation as, Inception Date is NULL. If you create an entity/fund and the Inception Date field is left as null, this validation resolves as true and the system generates an exception for the respective entity/fund with this data condition. You attach validations to a data field. In this example, you attach the validation to the Inception Date field.

Each validation identifies the following:

  • Define a logic for the validation

  • Select the fields to associate with the validation

  • Enable/Disable the validation to one or more related policies

About the Ribbon

The Validations workspace's Home tab provides you with set of options to manage validations.









Create New

Creates a new validation for a field.


Edits a validation.


Duplicates a validation.


Deletes a validation.


List the manual changes made to the validation.



Allows you to import or export the validation component from one environment to another. 


Allows you to add/view/migrate the validation component for export.



Prints the validation data displayed in the workspace.


Exports the validation data displayed in the workspace to an Excel or CSV file.



Allows you to search, view recent validation searches, and save search criteria for reuse.


Enables you to find data in the workspace.


Refresh Screen

Refreshes the result in the workspace.

Create Validations

In the Create New Validation wizard, you can create new validations.

Define the Validation

In the Create New Validation wizard's Define page, you can define the logic for the validation.

To define the validation:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, click Setup Validations.
    You see the Validations workspace with the available list of validations.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Create New.
    You see the Create New Validation wizard, with the Define page displayed.

  3. In the ID box, type a unique identifier for the code, if required. Otherwise, by default, the system generates a unique identifier.

  4. In the Name box, type a name for the validation.

  5. In the Description box, type the description about the validation, if required.

  6. In the Error list, select the appropriate error code to raise when the validation logic turns true.
    You can see the available list of validations.

  7. In Tests section, click Define to launch the Logic Builder to define the logic for the validation. 
    Note: The Logic Builder allows you to utilize fields, codes, and values along with logical operands to create custom validations. The Logic Builder also allows you to build complex nested statements.

  8. Define the required logic for the validation and click Save & Close.
    You can see the defined logic in the Tests section.

  9. Click Next.
    You see the Fields page.

Select the Fields

In the Create New Validation wizard's Fields page, you can associate one or more fields with the validation. The Fields page allows you to add and remove one, some, or all fields between an Available Fields box and a Selected Fields box.

To select the fields for the validation:

  1. Select the Show all fields check box to list all the fields in the Available Fields box.
    By default, the Available Fields box lists the fields defined in the validation logic.

  2. Select the field to associate validation in the Available Fields box and click Add to add the field to the Selected Fields box.

  3. Select the field in the Selected Fields box and click Remove to move the field to the Available Field box.

  4. Click Next.
    You see the Policy Settings page.

Assign the Validation

In the Create New Validation wizard's Policy Settings page, you can enable/disable the validation for the related policies. The Policy Settings page lists all the related policies, in which the selected field for validation is present in the field group.

To assign the validation to a policy:

  1. Clear the Enable Validation check box in the column header to disable the validation for all the policies.
    By default, the validation is enabled for all the policies.

  2. Select the Enable Validation check box to enable the validation for the appropriate policy.

  3. Click Save & Close to save the new validation.
    The system creates the new validation and lists it in the Validations workspace.

Edit Validations

In the Validations workspace, you can edit the existing validations.

To edit validations:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, click Setup Validations.
    You see the Validations workspace with the available list of validations.

  2. Select the validation you want to edit from the workspace.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Edit.
    You see the Edit Validation wizard. 

  4. Review the information, make the appropriate changes, and click Save & Close.
    The system modifies the validation and lists it in the Validation workspace.

Delete Validations

In the Validations workspace, you can delete the validations for the fields.

To delete validations:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, click Setup Validations.
    You see the Validations workspace with the available list of validations.

  2. Select the validation you want to delete from the workspace.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Delete.
    You see a Confirmation box asking you to confirm the deletion.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
    You see the validation no longer appears in the list of available validations.

Search for Validations

In the Validations workspace, you can search the existing validations.

To search for validations:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, click Setup > Validations.
    You see the Validations workspace with the available list of validations.

  2. Click the chevron next to the Search icon. 
    You see the Search detail pane with the default fields to define your search.

  3. Click the Add icon to add other search parameters.

  4. Select Make this my default search check box to make the search criteria your default.
    The next time you log on, you see the results of this search reflected in the workspace.

  5. From the Save list, select Save/Save as to save the search criteria for future use.

  6. Click Clear All to remove all the selected search criteria.

  7. Select the appropriate search criteria and click OK.
    The system displays the validations that match the search criteria.