Manage Performance Composites

Manage Performance Composites

In the Portfolio Desk's All workspace, you can create Performance Composite entities. You can also create Performance Composite entities from the Composite workspace.

About Performance Composites

Performance Composites are composites which complies with the rules set forth by Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) with regard to composite return calculation and presentation.

Performance Composites include only those entities which are in the composite for the entire single‐period (daily, monthly, or quarterly) performance calculation. This is the general rule that firms follow when they calculate returns for GIPS marketing composites.

Select a Policy

In the Create New dialog box, you select Performance Composite entity type policy to create a Performance Composite (GIPS) entity.

To select a policy:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk > All. Or select Portfolio Desk and click Composites.
    You can create Performance Composite entity from both the workspaces.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Create New.
    You see the Create New dialog box. 

  3. In the Select Policy list, select a policy for the Performance composite entity type you want to create. 
    By default, you see the available list of predefined policies. Note: You need to select a policy, wherein the policy type matches the entity type you want to create.

  4. Click OK.
    You see the Details page displaying the selected policy's field groups.

Provide Entity Details

In the Create New Performance Composite wizard's Details page, you can provide the details about the Performance Composite entity. Based on the policy you select, you need to provide the appropriate information.

To add basic entity details:

  1. In the Effective Date, specify the effective date for the Performance Composite entity. Or use the Date selector to provide the appropriate date for the Performance Composite entity.
    This field identifies the date by which the entity is eligible for processing. You can specify an effective date in the past or future.  
    By default, you see the system date as the effective date.

  2. In the Entity ID box, type a unique id for the entity.

  3. In the Entity Name box, type a name for the entity.
    You see the Details page with the list of the selected policy's field groups and their corresponding fields.

  4. Provide appropriate information for each field, as needed.

  5. Click Next
    You see the GIPS Composite page. 

Provide GIPS Composite Details

In the Create New Performance Composite wizard's GIPS Composite page, you can provide appropriate information, as needed. 

To provide GIPS composite details:

  1. In the Auto Build Options section, click Define to use the Logic Builder to define the rule based entity criteria for the composite.
    You can create criteria based on entity, entity characteristics, summary level position data and fund level performance data. The rule must include at least one entity field, but the remaining criteria can contain performance data or a combination that includes entity characteristics and/or fund level position data. For example, assume that your performance record includes a number representing the percent of the fund invested in cash. This value you can use it to define the criteria for a composite. For example, where Percent of Cash <= 5.00%.  
    NOTE: If the entity criteria rule for the composite includes Performance or Holding type fields, define the fields in the Performance Settings section to allow the composite build process to recognize performance data.

  2. Click the Source Rule list to select the required source rule required for the specified performance data.
    You see the list of available source rules.

  3. Click the Performance Model list to select the performance model (also called performance dictionary) that coincides with the data you want to use. Note that the composite build process only interrogates data at the total fund level. Therefore while you can use a multi level model, it is only the fund level record that is analyzed.
    You see the available list of performance models.

  4. Click the Frequency list to select the return frequency. Options include:
    - Daily
    - Monthly
    - Quarterly

  5. Click the Return Status Type list to select either preliminary or final depending on your needs. If you choose final, only finalized performance records are considered. If you choose preliminary, both preliminary and final records are considered.

  6. Click the Date Rule list to select a date rule that resolves to the performance record you want to use. 
    NOTE: After you run the Performance Composite builder process, the member entities that met the criteria rule appears in the Membership section of the GIPS Composite tab. 

  7. If you do not want to specify a criteria rule for entities inclusion, you can manually add the entities to the GIPS Composite using the Membership section.

  8. In the Membership section, click the Entity ID drop-down to select an entity for the GIPS composite, as needed.
    You see the list of available entities. 
    Based on the selected Entity ID, the system auto-populates the Entity Name.

  9. Click the Start Date drop-down to specify the start date of the entity, that is, from which date the entity is included in the GIPS Composite.

  10. Click the Start Comments to provide the entry level comments about the entity, for example, New Portfolio.

  11. Click the End Date drop-down to specify the end date of the entity, that is, at which date the entity is terminated or removed from the GIPS Composite.

  12. Click the End Comments to provide the exit level comments about the entity, for example, Removed from Composite.

  13. Click Add to add one or more entities to the GIPS Composite, as needed.

  14. Click Delete to remove the entities from the GIPS Composite.

  15. Click Next.

Provide Assignment Details

To add assignment details:

  1. In the Benchmark page, you assign benchmarks, as needed for the entity.
    In the Peer Group Association page, you assign peer groups, as needed for the entity.

  2. In the Disclosures page, select one or more disclosures as needed for the entity.

  3. In the Asset Mix Policy page, select one or more asset mix policies as needed for the entity.

  4. In the Fee Schedule page, select a fee schedule for the entity.

  5. Click Save to save the Composite entity.
    You see a message stating successful fund creation. The system generates the composite entity and lists it in the Composite workspace.

Performance Composite Builder

Eagle allows you to add composite membership manually or automatically. After you define membership criteria rule for the composite in the Auto Build Options section of GIPS Composite tab, you can use the Performance composite builder on a regular basis to add and remove constituent membership entities from composites based on the rules defined for each composite. If you maintain large volume of entities, automating this process can save time and improve accuracy.

In the Performance composite builder, you can define the process rules for the build submission.

To run the performance composite builder:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk Composites.
    You see the Composite workspace with the list of all available entities.

  2. Select one or more Performance Composite entities you want to submit.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Actions group, select Submit.
    You see the Submit dialog, which is nothing but the Performance Composite Builder.

  4. In the Build Type & Date section, select the Build Date to specify an effective date to run the composite builder process.

  5. Otherwise, click the Date Rule list to select a date rule for the composite builder process.
    You see the available list of date rules.

  6. Select the Rebuild Composite Membership option to rebuild a composites constituent membership from a specified date up through the current date, if needed.
    This rebuild feature merely clears the membership details and automates the composite build events that the system runs. By clearing out the previous membership records, the composite build now uses the latest build criteria to add or remove members. 

  7. Click the Business Calendar list to select the business calendar to run the composite builder process.
    The specified dates for that calendar are used to determine composite build dates.

  8. Click the Frequency list to select the frequency in conjunction with the business calendar option. Options include: Daily, Monthly, Quarterly.
    For example, if the frequency is Monthly, the rebuild submits new composite build events for any date (on or after the rebuild date) where the monthly flag is set. 

  9. Click the Constituents to excludes list to select one or more membership constituents to exclude from the composite builder process. 

  10. In the Constituents that will be removed section, you click the View Constituents that will be removed link to see the membership records that are deleted or updated during the reset phase.
    NOTE: This is not a preview of what the performance composite looks like after the rebuild is complete. This is a preemptive view of what will be removed prior to the new composite build being executed.

  11. In the Commit Options section, select the Place in pending status in the Composite Approval option to commit the membership changes in pending status for approval.
    This allows you to review and manually update the status of all the pending membership records in the Composite Approval workspace of Eagle's Performance Center.

  12. Otherwise, select the Commit with final status option to commit the membership changes with approved status.

  13. Click the Log Level list to select the log level to use for the composite builder process.
    You see the available list of all logs. By default, the systems displays the Default log level.

  14. Click Submit.
    On submission, the Performance composite builder rebuilds the composite membership as per the defined process rules. 

For more information about GIPS Composites, see GIPS Composite Management Configuration and GIPS Composite Management.