Create a Blended Weighted Benchmark

Create a Blended Weighted Benchmark

A custom blended benchmark consists of underlying source entities based on weights, rates of return, and entity assignments at node levels.

To create a Blended Weighted benchmark:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Benchmarks in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Benchmarks (Performance Center).
    You see the Performance Center and the Benchmarks workspace with a list of entities.

  4. Click Create New.
    The Create New dialog box appears.

  5. Select Custom Benchmarks from the Select Policy drop-down list.
    The Select Custom Index Type drop-down list appears in the dialog box.

  6. Select Blended Weighted Index from the Custom Index Type drop-down list and click OK.
    You see the Create New Custom Benchmark wizard with the Details page displayed.

  7. Select the Effective Date for the custom benchmark.
    This field is not required, but as a best practice, Eagle recommends entering an inception date that matches the effective date of the earliest definition (that is, the earliest date associated with data entered in the Custom Index Attribute tab) for the custom benchmark.

  8. Enter the Entity ID and Entity Name for the custom benchmark.

  9. Select a value from the Entity Base Currency drop-down list. If you are performing multicurrency conversion for the benchmark, Eagle’s best practice is to specify a base currency value in the Base Currency field.

  10. Click Next.
    You see the Blended Weighted Index page.

  11. Select a value from FX Source Rule drop-down list. This is an optional field that will turn on currency conversion when there are other currencies.

  12. Select a value from the Target Performance Model drop-down list.
    A grid appears at the bottom of the page with column headings that are based on the model you selected.

  13. Double-click a cell in the grid to define values for the blended index.
    A dialog box appears with Entity, Source, Model, Model Node, and Weight fields. See Custom Index Attributes Dialog Box Options.

  14. In the Target Performance Model field, select a value from the drop-down lists.

  15. Select or clear one of the check boxes, as needed.
    Build index to include a security level data. This check box allows you to build the security level by entity. To build index to include security level data, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
     - Build Single Position
     - Build Positions by Strategy
     - Build Positions by Strategy and Dictionary Classification. 
    Do not build Target performance model below assigned level. This option allows you to build custom benchmarks from source nodes with a different number of levels below them than their assigned target nodes to increase the compatibility between performance models. When you select this check box, the default value, the entity build process builds the target performance model from the assignment node up to the total level for the model. It does not process levels below the assigned node. When you clear this check box, the entity build process builds the target performance model all the way down to its lowest level. For more information, see Build the Target Dictionary at Assigned Level and Above.

  16. If you want to change the Model Node, double-click the Total.
    The Dictionary Node Selection dialog box appears showing the structure of the target performance model selected. If the performance model has a level below Total, the level 2 grouping is displayed.

  17. Select the appropriate node in the tree structure and click Save.
    The selected node name appears in the Total dialog box.

  18. Enter a numeric value in the Weight text box and click OK.
    The dialog box closes. After you assign values for each node, those values appear in the target dictionary grid.

  19. Select other entities to define using the procedure outlined above, as needed. When you have completed your entries in the grid, click Save.
    The custom index attribute information is saved in the database in the RULESDBO.CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table.
    Additional pages are available for Benchmark, Peer Group Association, Disclosures, and  Permissions, but they are not required for the custom benchmark setup.