Generate Returns for a Fund’s Benchmark

Generate Returns for a Fund’s Benchmark

Using Retail Fund Performance, you can generate returns and certain effects for a fund's relative benchmark(s). When you identify a benchmark in a Dynamic Mutual Fund Returns field for use in benchmark relative processing, it instructs the calculation engine to process data for the benchmark instead of the fund itself. This allows a standard Eagle OLAP report (Performance Analysis report or Dynamic NAV Returns report) to show the fund's return and a return of a related benchmark or comparative fund side by side. 

Note that use of benchmark relative processing for Dynamic Mutual Fund Returns fields is one of two ways to view benchmark returns in a retail fund performance report. The method described in this section utilizes index prices from the NAV table to derive the returns dynamically. An alternate approach utilizes the indexes stored as sub period returns. The use of stored returns for benchmark relative performance requires the use of Performance Analysis and Performance Link Analysis type fields. For information on creating and using these field types for benchmark relative analysis, refer to Performance Analysis and Reporting.

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