Dynamic Mutual Fund Field Effects

Dynamic Mutual Fund Field Effects

The dynamic mutual fund performance fields can be used for more than just calculating and displaying a return. Each dynamic performance field goes through a couple of stages. First it must retrieve the static fund accounting data for the specified period, then it actually processes the data in order to derive a return. The mutual fund performance field effects allow you to display some of the statistics relevant to a return calculation directly on an OLAP (performance analysis) report.

This feature provides support for some of the common reporting objectives that in earlier versions, had to be achieved through custom advanced reports. There are numerous effects from which to choose. Each effect can be reused for any dynamic performance period. Furthermore, some of the effects allow you to include/ignore certain distribution types.

A full list of effects is provided in List of Categories and Effects but for example, while you used to only be able to show a return, the report can now display statistics including: price as of start and end date, calculated offer price as of start date, cumulative per share distributions for the period, high/low price for the period, dollar amount of the CDSC or redemption fee and even post-liquidation G/L & tax impact.

This feature can be used by any (NAV based) mutual fund performance client. Other than building a new field with the desired effect, there are no additional configuration steps.

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