Make Fields Available to Reports

Make Fields Available to Reports

You can map individual fields to Composite Monitor reports.

To make fields available to a Composite Monitor report:

  1. In Performance Center, from the left navigation, click Performance Desk > General Reporting.
    You see the General Reporting workspace.

  2. Select the Fields folder.

  3. From the New menu, select Map Fields.
    Alternatively, you can open any subfolder under the Fields folder, right-click any field row, and select Map Fields from the shortcut menu.
    You see the Map Fields dialog box.

    Map Fields Dialog Box - Selecting a Report Type
  4. In the Report Types list, select the Composite Monitor report for which you want to make fields available.

  5. You can map individual fields for the selected report by clicking a field type folder, and then selecting one or more check boxes to display a check mark to the left of each field you want made available for the report.

    Map Fields Dialog Box - Check Mark Identifies Fields Available for Selected Report
  6. Continue this process until you select all desired fields for the report, and then click OK.

  7. Repeat this process for the remaining Composite Monitor reports.