Troubleshoot Long_Short Positions

Troubleshoot Long_Short Positions

The following table lists some tips to help troubleshoot issues with long/short positions.





The performance calculation program fails with a SQL error: unique constraint violated

You are trying to commit security level returns and the portfolio is segmented by long/short indicator. Adjust the profile to not commit security level returns (Page 2 of the profile).
The portfolio is not segmented by long/short indicator, and the option Rollup at last level is set to No. Change it to Yes.

The long and short positions are not being combined in the calculator.

The RELATION_FIELDS table may not be populated correctly. Check the field attribute IDs for type = PC.
The portfolio is not segmented by long/short indicator and the option Rollup at last level is set to No. Change it to Yes.
The PACE engine was not stopped and started after adding the RELATION_FIELDS.

Only one side of the long/short position is retrieved from the database by the calculation.

The HOLDING and CASH_ACTIVITY table may not be set up to identify long and short positions separately.
The RELATION_FIELDS table may not be populated correctly. Check the field attribute IDs for type = PC.