Commit Journal View Filter Options

Filters enable you to restrict the data shown in a view so that you can work more efficiently.

Eagle Performance applies a logical AND between the filters, which means that all filter conditions must be met for results to appear in the view. For example, if you create filters for “all entities” AND “Update Date as of today” AND “System Messages of Not Normal,” the results are displayed only for those entities generated today that had errors. There is one exception. You can configure the System Messages filter so that it applies a logical OR between the System Messages filter and the Numeric Reference / Alpha Reference filters. This allows you to view a performance record that either has a system error OR meets numeric filter criteria AND alpha numeric filter criteria associated with tolerance checks.






Entities Filter

The Entities filter allows you to display one entity, a LIST entity, or any combination of entities selected. By default, no entities are selected. You must select at least one entity for each view.

End Date Filter

The End Date filter allows you to specify the period or range of performance calculation periods you wish to view. The end date refers to the end effective date of the returns.

Options include:

All (Default). Includes all entries regardless of end effective date of the returns.

Selected Dates. Click As of to view a specific End Date, and then select the actual date. Click the Between option to select a date range, and then select the date range. Specify From the Date Rule option to have the view filter on rolling end date or dates, and then select the date rule.

Frequency Filter

The Frequency filter allows you to specify the returns by Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, and Subperiod. Subperiod refers to the sub-period returns that are created as a result of a Significant Cash Flow processing break. By default, all frequencies are returned.

Commit Source Filter

Commit Source filter allows you to specify where to commit your performance calculation results. Commit Sources are sources with the feed type of Performance.

You can sort views by one or more commit sources. If you do not select a performance source, the view includes data with any performance source.

Performance Models Filter

The Performance Model filter allows you to select a specific Performance Model. By default, no Performance Models are selected, and the view includes data for all Performance Models.

Update Date Filter

The Update Date filter allows you to specify performance calculations that were processed on a specific date. You can filter using Custom Date Rules, the most current processing date for each entity, date range (between two dates), or the standard Prior Day or Prior Month. By default, All is selected.

Users Filter

The Users filter allows you to select specific users to view calculations submitted ad hoc by analysts in your team. By default, no Users are selected, and the view includes all users.

Status Filter

The Status filter allows you to include data with a performance status of Preliminary or Final, or Additionally, you can select from custom performance statuses that have been created by your organization. For example, a status of Pending could be useful during the month end close process to view only those funds that are still in progress and not finalized yet.

By default, no statuses are selected, and the view includes all available statuses.

System Messages Filter

The System Messages filter allows you to identify entries for any reports that did not properly process.

Options include:

All (Default). Includes all entries regardless of system messages content.

Normal. Includes entries where the Performance Calculation report processed as expected, and the Commit Journal’s System Messages column displays a value of Normal.

Not Normal. Includes entries for reports associated with system-generated errors that appear in the System Messages column. For example, “Positions/Cash not found.”

Custom Comment. To limit the results to entries with specific errors, select this option and enter the first few characters of that error. The system uses “Like” logic to include entries that start with those characters.

NOTE: Select Show Results that Meet Comments Filter check box and/or meet Alpha and Numeric References Filters check box to view results that reflect a system error identified with the System Messages filter OR meets filter criteria set by Numeric Reference AND Alpha Reference tolerance checks). If you leave the check box cleared (Default), the system applies a logical AND across all filters.

Numeric Reference Filter

The Numeric Reference filter allows you to identify numeric values associated with tolerance checks, such as returns and market values.

Options include:

All (Default). Includes all entries regardless of numeric reference field values.

Value. Includes entries with a specific numeric reference field value.

Value Falls Outside +-. Identifies out of tolerance numeric reference results. Enter an absolute value to display entries with numeric reference results greater than the positive value of that number and less than the negative value of that number. For example, if you enter 5, the filter identifies records with a numeric reference field value less than -5 or greater than +5.

Value Falls Inside +-. Identifies a range of numeric reference results. Enter an absolute value to display entries with a numeric reference results greater than the negative value of that number and less than the positive value of that number.

Value Falls Outside of Range. Identifies out of tolerance numeric reference results for an extreme upper or lower range. Specify a Lower and an Upper numeric reference field value to display entries that have numeric reference results less than the Lower value or greater than the Upper value. This option offers greater flexibility than the Value Falls Outside +- filter.

Value Falls Within Range. Identifies numeric reference results in a specified range. Specify a Lower and an Upper numeric reference field value to display entries that have numeric reference results greater than the Lower value and less than the Upper value. This option offers greater flexibility than the Value Falls Inside +- filter.

NOTE: You can use the Numeric Reference filter and the Alpha Reference filter with the System Messages filter to view results where a Commit Journal record either has a system error or meets both out of tolerance criteria and message criteria.

Alpha Reference Filter

The Alpha Reference filter allows you to view messages associated with tolerance checks. You can display rows in the Commit Journal with all alphanumeric reference field values, or only those rows with specified values.

Options include:

All (Default). Includes all entries regardless of alphanumeric reference field values.

Like. Includes entries with values like the one you specify by entering the first few characters of the message. The filter finds all alphanumeric reference field values that match all the characters you enter, starting with the first character of the message.

Not Null. Includes all entries that have alphanumeric reference field values. Exclude entries with null alphanumeric reference field values.

Most Recent Commits Filter

The Most Recent Commits filter allows you to display only the most recently committed performance data in the Commit Journal. This filter is helpful for report troubleshooting. For example, if you encounter unexpected changes in a Performance Analysis report, you can use this filter to check recent activity for the affected entities.

When you apply the Most Recent filter, you can see multiple results differentiated by the Commit Source value.

Options include:

All (Default). Includes all data.

Most Recent Commits. Displays only the single most recent commit for each unique combination of entity, end effective date, frequency, and performance model within the overall results set.