Maintain Disclosures
Once a Disclosure is created, you can edit, duplicate, or delete it.
Edit a Disclosure
As the disclosure information changes you can create, change, duplicate, and delete descriptions.
You cannot change a Disclosure Name.
To edit a disclosure:
From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Disclosures in the left navigation.
You see the Disclosure Summary workspace displaying a list of available disclosures.Select a disclosure and click Edit on the ribbon.
You see the Edit Disclosure workspace in a new tab..To change an existing description select it from the list of descriptions and click the pencil icon.
You see the description in the View Text section.
Note: Select View as Paragraph to see all statements combined.Select the statement you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
You see the statement in the Text section.Edit the statement or add a field as needed.
Add a new description by entering text and adding fields as needed.
Delete descriptions as needed.
Note: You must maintain at least one description.Click Save Disclosure.
You see a message confirming that your changes were saved.
Duplicate a Disclosure
You can duplicate a disclosure and its underlying history and assignments, and save it under a different name.
To duplicate a disclosure:
From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Disclosures in the left navigation.
You see the Disclosure Summary workspace displaying a list of available disclosures.Select a disclosure and click Duplicate on the ribbon.
You see the Duplicate Disclosure dialog box.Type a name in the Disclosure Name field and click OK.
You see a message confirming that the disclosure was saved,Click OK to close the message.
You see the new disclosure on the Disclosures Summary list.
Delete a Disclosure
You can delete a disclosure and all its underlying descriptions. Once a disclosure is deleted, it is completely removed from the database.
You cannot delete a disclosure that is assigned to an entity. Before deleting a disclosure you must first remove all associated assignments.
To delete a disclosure:
From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Disclosures in the left navigation.
You see the Disclosure Summary workspace displaying a list of available disclosures.Select the disclosure you want to delete.
Click Delete.
You see a message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the disclosure and all its underlying history.Click OK.
You see a message confirming that the disclosure was deleted.Click OK to close the message.
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