Calculation Toolkit: Operation

Calculation Toolkit: Operation

Daily Operation

The daily operation for the Calculation Toolkit involves the following phases:

  • Loading the Data

  • Calculating the Returns and Committing the Data to the PERFORM Database

  • Commit Journal Review of Data

  • Verifying the Data

Details of each phase follow:

  1. Loading the Data. All the positions, cash flows, new securities, and new entities must be loaded prior to running your performance calculations for your portfolios and calculated benchmark returns. These can be done by STAR to PACE Direct or using the Generic Interfaces.

  2. Calculating Returns and Committing the Data. Once the data is loaded, you can begin running your daily Performance Calculation. This is done most easily with the Process Manager and Event Manager. Your Benchmark calculation process should be run first, as you will be comparing your portfolio data to the benchmark data in your return checks.

  3. Confirming the Calculation and Commit Process. To check for issues in the Performance Calculation process, you can first use the Commit Journal to check for system errors, messages from your built in return checks, or other issues. You can also advance each performance commit to the next performance status as prescribed by your workflow.

  4. Verifying the Data. To verify data:

    • The Performance Calculation Daily Audit reports offer many return checks for verifying the returns and also the supporting data for your calculation reports. These reports do not commit data to the PERFORM

    • The Performance Analysis Verification reports are there to confirm expected data values were calculated and the correct data was committed for each performance model. The Toolkit also offers Query Tool views to see a time series view of committed performance returns and data over a month to date or year to date time period.

    For information about Performance verification reports and Performance Query Tool views provided with the Calculation Toolkit, see the Preconfigured Components section.

Monthly Operation

The monthly operation for the Calculation Toolkit involves the following phases:

  • Running the Monthly Performance return calculation and commit process

  • Commit Journal Review

  • Verifying the Data

Details of each phase follow:

  1. Calculating Returns and Committing the Data. Once all your daily calculations for the month have been committed and verified, you can begin running your daily Performance Calculation. This is done most easily with the Process Manager and Event Manager. Your benchmark calculation process should be run first as you will be comparing your portfolio data to the benchmark data in your return checks. The Monthly process is usually kicked off AD-HOC and not scheduled, so that daily returns can be verified.

  2. Confirming the Calculation and Commit Process. To check for issues in the Performance Calculation process, you can first use the Commit Journal to check for system errors, messages from your built in return checks, or other issues. You can also advance each performance commit to the next performance status as prescribed by your workflow. The Commit Journal allows you to set up separate views by frequency so you can separate your monthly commits from your daily commits.

  3. Verifying the Data. The Performance Analysis Verification reports are available to confirm expected data values were calculated and the correct data was committed for each Performance Model. The Toolkit also offers Query Tool views to see a time series view of committed performance returns and data over a month to date or year to date time period.

For information about Performance verification reports and Performance Query Tool views provided with the Calculation Toolkit, see the Preconfigured Components section.