General Setup
You can set up the Index Toolkit after you install the Performance Toolkit. For general installation information, see Install the Toolkit.
Before you begin, review the Benchmark Management to determine your approach to setting up benchmarks and custom benchmarks. You can load index data to PERFORM tables from external systems and/or can treat an index like a portfolio and maintain holdings in Eagle for that index. The approach you select affects the setup process.
To set up the Index Toolkit:
Data Load Configuration. Tasks include:
Configure upstream systems to provide the data defined in the Index Toolkit Generic Interfaces section.
Set up entities for all indexes, including custom benchmark definitions, Sub-Portfolios and Aggregates. You can often do this using the standard entities interface.
Set up code values for translations; you can do this with the standard code values interface.
If you are using Eagle Performance to calculate Index returns, be aware that you do not need to load index returns going forward.Historic Data Load. This might include security reference for index constituents held historically, including changing sector assignments and identifiers. Historical positions and performance might also be required. Performance for Indexes and Custom Benchmarks might include constituent-level and sector-level in addition to the Total-level typically loaded each day.
After the upstream systems are configured to provide data, you need to load historical data.Configure Business Calendar. Configure the Eagle PACE (source 4) Business Calendar, as follows:
For every business day, select the Daily Flag ON (1).
For every Friday, select the Weekly Flag ON (1). Do not select the weekend dates here, this is only the last day of the week.
For every calendar month end, select the Monthly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar month end date as the month end.
For every calendar quarter end, select the Quarterly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar quarter end date as the quarter end.
For every calendar year end, select the Yearly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar year end date as the year end.
Create Entity LISTs.
One LIST entity for indexes associated with all your equity accounts (include benchmarks (INDX), Sub-Portfolios, Aggregates)
Another LIST entity for indexes associated with all your fixed income accounts (include benchmarks, Sub-Portfolios, Aggregates)
If you use custom benchmark type entities (CIDX), additionally create the following LIST entities for use in Monthly Workflows where you create daily from monthly performance returns.
One LIST entity for indexes associated with all your equity accounts (include Benchmarks, Sub-Portfolios, Aggregates, Custom Benchmarks)
Another LIST entity for indexes associated with all your fixed income accounts (include Benchmarks, Sub-Portfolios, Aggregates, Custom Bench