Submit an Entity Build Manually
In the Submit Build box, you can manually submit the entity build process for a Composite (COMP entity type), Aggregate (AGG entity type), Sub-Portfolio (SUB entity type). For more information about the options in this box, see About Entity Build Detail Options.
The Submit Build dialog box displays different options based on the type of entity selected.
To manually submit the entity build process for a composite, aggregate, or sub-portfolio:
Do one of the following:
- In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk and click the appropriate entity type, such as All.
- In Performance Center, from the left navigation, select Performance Desk and click the appropriate entity type, such as All Entities.
You see the Summary workspace with the available list of entities.Provide the appropriate search criteria and then click Search.
You see the list of entities that meet the defined search criteria.
Select the row for the entity that you want to build.
On the Home tab, in the Actions group, click Submit Build.
You see the Submit Build dialog box.In the Date area, select an option that allows the system to determine the effective date for the entity build.
Options include:
- Single Date. Default. Allows you to select a single date value.
- Existing Date. Allows you to select a date from a list of dates for which positions exist. Dates are from the HOLDING database.
- Date Range. Allows you to enter a start and end date.
- Use a Date Rule. Allows you to specify a date rule to build for the Date Rule’s end date or range of dates. You can use a date rule in order to run an entity build for date ranges. You can click Build for Date Rule's End Date to submit the entity build for the Date Rule's end date. Or click Build for Date Rule's Range to submit the entity build for the entire date range represented by the Date Rule's start and end dates.In the Positions Source list, select a source. Or click the ellipsis to use Advanced Search.
If the build applies to sub-portfolios, in the Cash Activity Source Rule list, you can select a source rule. Or click the ellipsis to use Advanced Search.
NOTE: The system can create Cash Activity records, derived from existing cash activity for the parent entity or entities only for sub-portfolio entity types.In the Log Level list, you can select a value.
The log level identifies the level at which the logging occurs. Some fields, such as Modified Dietz and IRR, create log files that display details about each calculation. These detailed logs are created at level 10.Click Submit.