Retail Fund Performance Configuration

The Retail Fund Performance component of Eagle’s Performance Measurement solution supports performance calculations and reporting for mutual funds, offshore funds, and unit trusts. With Retail Fund Performance you can:

  • Conduct detailed audits of NAV, distribution, and related data.

  • Establish return tolerance checking relative to benchmarks.

  • Calculate returns based on NAVs per share and other unitized data.

  • Support a variety of calculations, including:

  • Before tax and SEC post-tax and post-liquidation returns.

  • Net and gross of fee with optional adjustments for expense waivers.

  • Load, no-load, and redemption fee adjusted returns.

  • Convertible B share.

  • Various price types, such as open or close bid, ask or offer.

  • Alternate prices for additional fund pricing scenarios, including closed end funds at NAV or at market price.

  • Calculate a variety of risk and risk-adjusted return statistics.

  • Compare fund results to benchmarks, peer groups, and universes.

  • Analyze performance based on different tax rate assumptions.

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