Manage the Migration Cart

Manage the Migration Cart

Migration Wizard allows you add and remove migratable items to the Migration cart from their respective Eagle Center.

Add Migration Items to the Cart

You can add single or multiple items for export using the Migration cart.

To add migration items:

  1. Navigate to the Eagle center from which you want to migrate a component. For example, Portfolio Data Center > Setup > Policies.

  2. From the Components workspace, select the item you want to migrate.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Migration group, select Cart > Add to Cart.
    You see the items gets listed in the Migration Cart dialog box.

  4. You can select as many items as you want and click Add to Cart to add the items to the cart.

  5. By default, the Migration Cart appears each time an item is added. Click Cart > Hide Cart, if you want to choose several items and not want to see the Migration cart.

To select multiple items, hold CTRL and select multiple items from the workspace.

View Cart Items

You can view the added cart items.

To view the items in the cart:

  • On the Home tab, in the Migration group, select Cart > View Cart.
    You can see the added items gets displayed under the respective Subject Type in the Migration Cart dialog box.

You can add multiple items, across different Eagle Center's, the added items will persist across different centers. For example, you can add policies from PDC and data strategies from RDC,  both policies and data strategies will get added and persist in the cart. At one stretch, you can migrate both the components.

Remove Items from Cart

You can remove items from the Migration cart.

To remove items from the cart:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Migration group, select Cart > View Cart.
    You can see the added items gets displayed under the respective Subject Type in the Migration Cart dialog box.

  2. Right-click on the cart, a list of options appear:
    Clear the selected item: This option allows you to remove the selected item.
    - Clear All: This option removes all the items from the Migration cart.
    - Clear all items within a Category: This option removes all items within a particular category (depending on the item that the user has selected, for example, Clear Only Policies)

Migrate Cart Items

You can export the migrated items directly from the cart.

To migrate items from the cart:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Migration group, select Cart > View Cart.
    You can see the added items gets displayed under the respective Subject Type in the Migration Cart dialog box.

  2. Click Save Items to save the migrated items in XML format to use it in the case of Silent Migration Export.
    For Silent Migration export process, the exported file must be in XML format.

  3. Click Migrate to migrate the items out of the current environment.
    You can see the Export workspace with added items of the cart.

  4. Select the migration rule and click Export to begin building the .EGL or .ZGL file.

When you export a metadata component from the Source environment, the Migration Wizards reads the metadata component and automatically detects and includes all the underlying metadata of the migrated component. On successful migration, a message stating Export Completed displays.