Use Multiple Marts

Use Multiple Marts

Using multiple marts, you can create, maintain and use more than one schema for your Data Marts. Different schemas share a single Eagle data warehouse as their source of data. You control all of your multiple Data Marts from the Data Mart component of PACE.

Should You Use Multiple Marts?

The multiple marts option offers you many possibilities for information delivery. They can help you scale your data delivery as your business grows. However, multiples add complexity along with flexibility, and you should use them only after careful analysis and planning. Each mart is configured and updated independently. There is no support in the product for sharing physical tables across marts, so there may be duplication of data that places additional demands upon system resources in the build process. When duplicate data is built, marts can temporarily get out of synchronization with respect to some of their content. Given that each mart is configured separately, it is possible to select a different field attribute for a field in one mart than was selected for that field in another mart. Using the Copy Model feature can greatly mitigate this risk. In addition, firmwide reporting will likely be done from just one mart, so that some level of data duplication is likely to be unavoidable.

Below are instances when a client might need to use multiple marts.

  • Departmental Marts

  • Operations in different time zones

  • Focused business marts

  • EA and BNYM outsourcing

  • Marts dedicated to third-party apps